Selasa, 14 April 2009


Does everybody change?
i guess its yes.
from their looks
their mind
their habit
their friends
their families
their likes
everything make people change

the point is, does it a good change or bad?
i saw so many people change.
when i was a kid, i have a best friend.
now, i barely talk with him.
and i just think something make him change,
not as that old times
i think, why did he change?
or, why something was changed?
and maybe, he thinks the same way too.

and i have a question for myself too,
am i changed?
does my friends talk about me, why im changed?
am i change into a good or bad?
why i dont play with my friends that i used to play with?

what make me change? new friends? wealth? minds? situation?
we grown up, from kids into teenagers, and i bet that when we at college
it will be not the same again like high school.
something must be change

we surely change, no matter what.
its just not the same as the old days,
but we have to keep on walking.
get out from our comfort zone if we can.
be ourself,
dont forget old friends and stuff.
thats what i think until now, maybe there will be something more.

15 komentar:

MITCH mengatakan...

recently, I was thinking bout this... and now, I'm sure that I've changed and I don't care what people might think. I think it's good enough for me to changed like this.....

tapi bener sih... kita pasti brubah. kl ga brubah ga mgkn. entah itu temen sikap polapikir atau apalah. kita akan brubah...

jojo mengatakan...

they say ignorance is bliss. haha

asal jgn jelek aja syel berubahnya.
mnurut lo, gw ad bruba ga?

MITCH mengatakan...

rambut lu brubah huahahhaha.. jk. ga ah mnrt gw sih sama aja..

jojo mengatakan...

iya, rambut gw berubah. hahaha
tp gw pengen brubah jg, pgn makin gendut. tp susa bener

MITCH mengatakan...

itu emang dasarnya kaliiii. jangan dipaksakan. berdoa aja :)

jojo mengatakan...

masa sih dasarnya? haha
gw blm coba gendutin badan sih.
iya, dibantu dengan doa kedengerannya lbh manteb. hahaha

MITCH mengatakan...

NAH MAKANYA COBA! eh kartul gimana?

jojo mengatakan...

kartul gw sih uda selese syel. lo punya gmn?
iy ni, liburan nanti pgn coba gw. hahaha

MITCH mengatakan...

besok mau install windows kl ga iwork gw.. rese lagian tuh nci gw pelit bener jadi orang.

jojo mengatakan...

mank bisa install windows d mac?
huahaha, nci gw jg sring tuh bgitu.
cepetan syel, blom revisi lagi ama jilid kan?

MITCH mengatakan...

JO! udah slesai dijilid nih.. tp ada kabar buruk... gw kebalik gt, daftar isi dl br kata pengantar. -.-

jojo mengatakan...

nah lu. hahaha
udah, maw gmn algi? besok kasih da.
lo benerin ato biarin?

MITCH mengatakan...

biarin. sebodo amat

DaVina LoVe mengatakan...

hmm...yup pasti semua berubah..banyak yg berubah..tapi, kalo buat temen2 selalu keep contact aja..walo sesibuk apapun...harus kudu wajib tanya kabar mereka..sms, telpon, facebook, dll..jangan tiba2 pas 3 taon baru ketemu, pasti canggung deh..tapi kalo misal sebulan sekali tetep kontek..pas nanti ketemu...yah jadi lebih asyik

jojo mengatakan...

itu yg gw harapkan haha
moga2 aj ga ad yg lupa temen