Senin, 30 Maret 2009

the Fire Itch & Bad Hair Month

omg! this is one of the great shit day!
first, in a dawn, I can't sleep. why? cause my body were full of itches.
and it is a long night for me, I have to be patience not to scratch the itches.
but I scratched it. The more I scratch the itcher it become, and the itches become wider and wider,
so I have to hold on until morning rise. painful.

then, I told to mom I got itches, and she will clean the bed.
so, when I prepared to school, a little forget about time and cause of itches too, I arrived late.
when I walked into class, and, oh shit. **** guarded my class, what a painful in the ass.
I got scolded, and I can't enter class whenever I arrives late again.
and, I have to cut my hair. damn!

ok, school time is fine, but one more shit things come, the hair cut.
I forgot to tell him that I don't want to decrease my thickness of hair.
so, the barber cut my hair, the very different hair-style that I want. great!
I have to wait a long time to get what hair that I want.

6 komentar:

MITCH mengatakan...

OhhH nooooo.. Rambut lu gimana jo emangnya? Tp tenang aja, rambut co kan cepet panjang. Jd lu ga perlu nunggu lama2 biar panjang lg.. ;)

jojo mengatakan...

jelek dah. culun!
gw bingunk ni, tp tetep aj, harus berminggu2 :(

MITCH mengatakan...

yg penting slama lu skolah di absis. lu ga di sensiin gara2 rambut. kl udah lulus pst panjang kok..

jojo mengatakan...

iya si. hahaha.
ini d ketawain gw. gapapa.
gw pd in diri saja. hahaha

MITCH mengatakan...

WAIT YAAAA.. gw akan liat hari senen Hahahaha!

jojo mengatakan...

aaaa, parah d ni, tnggal tambah kumis jadi hitler. hahahaha
ini cobaan namanya.