how could I figure it out?
how could I find the right key to open it?
I think I won't find it easily
or maybe never be able to open it.
So many things that make me confuse
never give a chance
or just an empty hope
or she just not notice it?
I'm so damn confused
how I figure it out?
even 'it', won't let me in.
maybe you have something in your memories
that was so forbidden
I just can't understand you perfectly.
maybe I don't fight it hard enough.
maybe I can give it a try
and have a space in your memories
or just be like this
if you feel that I'm not the right choice
so be it
how could I find the right key to open it?
I think I won't find it easily
or maybe never be able to open it.
So many things that make me confuse
never give a chance
or just an empty hope
or she just not notice it?
I'm so damn confused
how I figure it out?
even 'it', won't let me in.
maybe you have something in your memories
that was so forbidden
I just can't understand you perfectly.
maybe I don't fight it hard enough.
maybe I can give it a try
and have a space in your memories
or just be like this
if you feel that I'm not the right choice
so be it
15 komentar:
jo, diperuntukan ke siapa tuh? lg jatuh cintrong yee? hahaha.
pertama cuman main2.
tapi koq jadi beneran skarank?
yah, sedank ingin menyadarkan dia. haha
ahh, itu syel! ada yang 'missing word'
da gw edit dikit.
tp sprtnya lu sdg dilanda kebingungan yah jo... tp gpp, jatuh cinta itu asik kog. good luck! :D smoga gw jg bs jatuh cinta lg. huahahha... hambar nih...
super bingunk. haha
katanya pas serunya pas pdkt ya?
iyaaa.. kl pdkt nya mulus dan lancar sih seneng pst hahahha tp masa pacaran enak jg kog. tp awalnya doang, lama2 yah biasa lg gitu. :D
kalo brantem2 gt mulainya kapan syel biasanya?
denger2 sih 3 bln 6 bln 9 bln 12 bln. gt?
hahahah kl gw sih 2 bln udah brantem jo.. tp itu trgntg individual lah.. eh blog gw udah bs dikomen loh! happyy!!
ah ya, knapa cewe susah banget d mengerti ucapannya syel? ato tindak tanduknya.. bingung!
hahaha it'll be your experience jo in love life. unexpected. sm aja ah, cowo jg gitu kog. susah dimengerti jg.. tp kl udah sreg slg kenal dll lama2 jg ngerti tanpa dibilang. hahahaha.. smoga sukses pdkt nya!
mogamoga aja lancar..
and another question.
how to make girl feel comfortable near me?
YY : wow bjuang jo hehhe^^
first love unforgettable lohh cia yoo!
kenalin donk ke cc" XD
hauhahaa cc lu lucu banget! :D
iya gimana yah, tergantung ce nya jo, gw jg ga bs explain, tp kan kl lg masa pdkt itu brati masa lu slg mengenal dan lama2 yah lu sadar lah gituu, dia maunya gmn, :P
itu nci satu lagi.
bukan yg vina. haha
ntar kalo da dapet yah.
tq ya advicenya :D
jo, ke folder gue deh..vina's thankg trus baca artikel yang di word judulnya single forever..sangat membuka mata hati haha..
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