Jumat, 25 Desember 2009
Jumat, 20 November 2009
Dead Mimi
sudah lama ya gw ga ngeblog. hahaha. banyak sih crita yang bisa d critain d blog. tapiiii gw malesssssssss nulisnya d blog, hahaha.
ok. knapa gw bisa tulis blog ini?
i got bad news.
anjing gw, anjing tersayang gw, si mimi. udah dari kmaren2 sakit, sakit lever. nyokap gw telat banget ke dokternya, padahal miminya uda lemessssss banget. dikira gara2 obat, tp kata dokter sih minum kencing tikus. shit. tikus sialan, gw paksa minum kencing sndiri kalo ketemu. lanjut.
uda dari kmaren2 lemes si mimi. nah, pagi ini, gw baru setengah sadar dari tidur, gw denger nyokap gw bilang, "si mimi uda mati"
gw uda ga kaget sih si mimi bakal mati, emank uda lemes banget. pas sakitpun kayak mati, gw panggil ga nengok sama skali. gw sedih, gw sayang si mimi, tapi gw ga nangis. gw mrasa keilangan. nyokap gw uda ga maw piara anjing. dan anjing gw sekarang cmn tersisa 2.
skarang si mimi uda d kubur d taman depan rumah gw. uda ga ketemu anjing seempuk dia lagi. tapi maw gimana lagi, memang hidup suatu saat harus berakhir..
ok. knapa gw bisa tulis blog ini?
i got bad news.
anjing gw, anjing tersayang gw, si mimi. udah dari kmaren2 sakit, sakit lever. nyokap gw telat banget ke dokternya, padahal miminya uda lemessssss banget. dikira gara2 obat, tp kata dokter sih minum kencing tikus. shit. tikus sialan, gw paksa minum kencing sndiri kalo ketemu. lanjut.
uda dari kmaren2 lemes si mimi. nah, pagi ini, gw baru setengah sadar dari tidur, gw denger nyokap gw bilang, "si mimi uda mati"
gw uda ga kaget sih si mimi bakal mati, emank uda lemes banget. pas sakitpun kayak mati, gw panggil ga nengok sama skali. gw sedih, gw sayang si mimi, tapi gw ga nangis. gw mrasa keilangan. nyokap gw uda ga maw piara anjing. dan anjing gw sekarang cmn tersisa 2.
skarang si mimi uda d kubur d taman depan rumah gw. uda ga ketemu anjing seempuk dia lagi. tapi maw gimana lagi, memang hidup suatu saat harus berakhir..
Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009
Belleza dan Anjing.
oke, uda lama gw ga blogging, salahkan twitter!! hahaha.
gw mulai aja langsung,
kmaren gw ke beleja ma dupet ngehadirin pesta perpisahan vani.
nah, abis nyari jalan d beleja, ternyata tempatnya keren!! sayang ga bawa kamera.
karena gw ma dupet ga perna kesana, yowes nanya tomas jalannya.
tapi salah masuk lift, kayak lift buat apartemen gt, ada pintu lagi blakangnya, uda sampe lantai 5, gw maen kluar aja, trus, eh, tempat apaan ni? kok sempit gelap? lgsg pencet tombol lift, tapi gajalan!!! alhasil ketutup dan kekurung d dalem tuh tempat aneh, untung masi sore, kalo malem sih parah!! ga brapa lama untung uda ketemu hahaha.
nah, sampe deh d beleja. kangen !!! ketemu temen2 sma! hahaha.
disana berenang, menggila, maen ping pong, maen bl. enak deh. hahaha.
puncaknya si vani d kasih surprise ama kita2.
good luck ya van, makasih juga! hahaha
karena kemaleman si dupet anterin gw, gw nginep sehari d rmhnya.
nahhh, paginyaaa, gw buka pintu mo ke wc. eh aada anjing 1. ngeliat gw, diem2 aja.
uda gw jalan, eh tiba2 ada anjink satu lagi lari ke gw, langsung di gigit kaki gw!!
lompat gw langsunk ke korsi, tetep aj nyampe tuh anjing.
untunk ada superhero, nyokapnya dupet. tapi gw uda keburu d bantai....
trus d bawa ke klinik deh, takut knapa2. abis d obatin, gw d suntik tetanus, dipantat!!
ga ad obat rabies lagi. itu anjink makannya daging mentah, pantesan aja maw makan orank.
gara2 luka gw agak susah jalan dan terancam batal acara hunting gw.
senen juga d suruh istirahat dirumah. hiks!
lama ga ngepost tapi panjang. moga2 ga bosen bacanya.. haha
gw mulai aja langsung,
kmaren gw ke beleja ma dupet ngehadirin pesta perpisahan vani.
nah, abis nyari jalan d beleja, ternyata tempatnya keren!! sayang ga bawa kamera.
karena gw ma dupet ga perna kesana, yowes nanya tomas jalannya.
tapi salah masuk lift, kayak lift buat apartemen gt, ada pintu lagi blakangnya, uda sampe lantai 5, gw maen kluar aja, trus, eh, tempat apaan ni? kok sempit gelap? lgsg pencet tombol lift, tapi gajalan!!! alhasil ketutup dan kekurung d dalem tuh tempat aneh, untung masi sore, kalo malem sih parah!! ga brapa lama untung uda ketemu hahaha.
nah, sampe deh d beleja. kangen !!! ketemu temen2 sma! hahaha.
disana berenang, menggila, maen ping pong, maen bl. enak deh. hahaha.
puncaknya si vani d kasih surprise ama kita2.
good luck ya van, makasih juga! hahaha
karena kemaleman si dupet anterin gw, gw nginep sehari d rmhnya.
nahhh, paginyaaa, gw buka pintu mo ke wc. eh aada anjing 1. ngeliat gw, diem2 aja.
uda gw jalan, eh tiba2 ada anjink satu lagi lari ke gw, langsung di gigit kaki gw!!
lompat gw langsunk ke korsi, tetep aj nyampe tuh anjing.
untunk ada superhero, nyokapnya dupet. tapi gw uda keburu d bantai....
trus d bawa ke klinik deh, takut knapa2. abis d obatin, gw d suntik tetanus, dipantat!!
ga ad obat rabies lagi. itu anjink makannya daging mentah, pantesan aja maw makan orank.
gara2 luka gw agak susah jalan dan terancam batal acara hunting gw.
senen juga d suruh istirahat dirumah. hiks!
lama ga ngepost tapi panjang. moga2 ga bosen bacanya.. haha
Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009
Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009
When a Very Terrible Hand-writing Makes You Shame
oke. gw crita dari awal dolo.
gw datenk ke untar 5 menit sbelom acara d mulai.
dan duduk seperti biasa ampe pegel2. trus dengerin ceramah dll
kan kmaren disuruh gambar tuh, gw gambar 3.
1. "Why Can't I Go Outside" - tulisan gede di tengah, pojok kanan si uka-kun/jojojinggo gw gambar
2. mario yang lagi membesar makan setengah jamur
3. karikatur kakek jepang dengan baju raja takeshi
nah udah donk dikumpul,
abis istirahat, gw bawa roti, harusnya nasi. akhirnya dapet nasi dari klmpok laen.
makan tahu ama tempe doank, nasi dikit, takut eneg lagi, makannya juga pelan2.
ada lagi senior iseng, ada senior yang kakinya lumpuh, jadi harus pake alat bantu tuh buat orank pincank gt, yang lumpuh lagi ngobrol asik, eh tongkatnya d sembunyiin wakakakaka.
untung langsunk ketauan.
selesai makan, trus jalan2 d kampus, biasa pengenalan kampus.
abis itu udah d, masuk, bahas gambar, ternyata oh ternyata gambar gw yang si jojojinggo itu disebut2, masuk kategori spesial. ada kategori niat, ga niat, bagus, spesial.
gw gambar pake pensil smua, ternyata mawnya yang makan waktu lama alias niat.
ok, gw cukup senang disebut gambar gw, TAPIIII GW DIPANGGIL SUNATAN SAMA KETUA BEMnya. si dupet ngakak trus, grrrr. gara2 tulisan gw amburadul!!! malu campur senenk dah, mana gw lupa lagi NAMA SAYA JONATHAN BUKAN SUNATANNN, BLIII (sebutan senior cowo)
blom sampe sana, akhirnya bahas hukuman, gw kna hukuman gara2 ga bawa nasi!!!
makan biji MAHOni, konon katanya kalo makan biji itu kagak ngerasain pahit yang luar biasa adalah maho. (gw ngarang sndiri)
pas gw gigit sih pertama ah gitu pait ah, eh ternyata oh ternyataaaa abis ga lama kemudian BENER2 PAIT!!! GA ILANK2 gelo. bentuknya cmn kayak kuaci, tapi paitnya selangit!!
mana gw tadi dpoto lagi d suruh melet makan biji mahoni, sama lagi joget, melakukan yel2. grgrgrgr.
pulang akhirnya naek bus d. pyuh. mayan lah ga secape kmaren.
gw datenk ke untar 5 menit sbelom acara d mulai.
dan duduk seperti biasa ampe pegel2. trus dengerin ceramah dll
kan kmaren disuruh gambar tuh, gw gambar 3.
1. "Why Can't I Go Outside" - tulisan gede di tengah, pojok kanan si uka-kun/jojojinggo gw gambar
2. mario yang lagi membesar makan setengah jamur
3. karikatur kakek jepang dengan baju raja takeshi
nah udah donk dikumpul,
abis istirahat, gw bawa roti, harusnya nasi. akhirnya dapet nasi dari klmpok laen.
makan tahu ama tempe doank, nasi dikit, takut eneg lagi, makannya juga pelan2.
ada lagi senior iseng, ada senior yang kakinya lumpuh, jadi harus pake alat bantu tuh buat orank pincank gt, yang lumpuh lagi ngobrol asik, eh tongkatnya d sembunyiin wakakakaka.
untung langsunk ketauan.
selesai makan, trus jalan2 d kampus, biasa pengenalan kampus.
abis itu udah d, masuk, bahas gambar, ternyata oh ternyata gambar gw yang si jojojinggo itu disebut2, masuk kategori spesial. ada kategori niat, ga niat, bagus, spesial.
gw gambar pake pensil smua, ternyata mawnya yang makan waktu lama alias niat.
ok, gw cukup senang disebut gambar gw, TAPIIII GW DIPANGGIL SUNATAN SAMA KETUA BEMnya. si dupet ngakak trus, grrrr. gara2 tulisan gw amburadul!!! malu campur senenk dah, mana gw lupa lagi NAMA SAYA JONATHAN BUKAN SUNATANNN, BLIII (sebutan senior cowo)
blom sampe sana, akhirnya bahas hukuman, gw kna hukuman gara2 ga bawa nasi!!!
makan biji MAHOni, konon katanya kalo makan biji itu kagak ngerasain pahit yang luar biasa adalah maho. (gw ngarang sndiri)
pas gw gigit sih pertama ah gitu pait ah, eh ternyata oh ternyataaaa abis ga lama kemudian BENER2 PAIT!!! GA ILANK2 gelo. bentuknya cmn kayak kuaci, tapi paitnya selangit!!
mana gw tadi dpoto lagi d suruh melet makan biji mahoni, sama lagi joget, melakukan yel2. grgrgrgr.
pulang akhirnya naek bus d. pyuh. mayan lah ga secape kmaren.
Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009
Miseries in the First Day of University
oke. gw crita dari kmaren dolo.
gw chat sampe jem 2 pagi. dan tidur.
dan dibangunin heri jem 6 lgsg buru2 beres2. makasih her uda d jemput. hahaha
uda donk, ngantuk itu. jem 7 baru nyampe, disuru bediri kek orank bloon ampe jem 8.
trus panas, abis itu d suruh pake jaket, makin panas!!
disuruh jalan akhirnya ke gedung DKV, nunggu d dulu d tangga, trus ngantri d depan, panas!!!
ketemu iwan sama agam. hahaha :D
udah, dari jem 8-12 bediri amaa duduk doank buat yel2. mana ngantuk lagi
trus gara2 ga makan2, pagi cmn makan sereal, perut kosong, padahal laper, trus makan keceptan, akhirnya muntah!! padahal makan roti doank!! trus mulai lagi duduk ampe jem 6 gara2 ada anak2 yang aneh2, kena omel mereka, bikin lama pulangnya. jem 5an ngumpul lagi bicarain buat besok, masih ada pr besok. grrrr. kelompoknya jg ga gt asik lagi. grgrgrgr
uda donk, selesai, oh beluuum.
ke cl nyebrang, bli 10 aqua gelas buat diminumin buat besok disuruh barang bekas bolehnya.
trus makan rice bowl, uda laper, tapi ga bs cepet2 ntar muntah lagi, trus bli karton dulu.
dupet ga maw anterin ke rumah, akhirnya bajaj, bajaj dari cl ke rumah 15rebu, namanya meres tuh. gw ga bakal maw, 7rebu aaja, dia tetep ga maw, mampus tuh sana ga dapet rejeki, maruk sih. tapi gw jalan dari cl ke rumah, cape bener, mana sempet sala jalan lagi wakkaka.
pulang2 daritadi da nahan boker, ga gt kebelet, tp tetep ajah, uda panas bener lagi.
akhirnya pulang nyantai juga. grrrr
eff eff eff!!
gw chat sampe jem 2 pagi. dan tidur.
dan dibangunin heri jem 6 lgsg buru2 beres2. makasih her uda d jemput. hahaha
uda donk, ngantuk itu. jem 7 baru nyampe, disuru bediri kek orank bloon ampe jem 8.
trus panas, abis itu d suruh pake jaket, makin panas!!
disuruh jalan akhirnya ke gedung DKV, nunggu d dulu d tangga, trus ngantri d depan, panas!!!
ketemu iwan sama agam. hahaha :D
udah, dari jem 8-12 bediri amaa duduk doank buat yel2. mana ngantuk lagi
trus gara2 ga makan2, pagi cmn makan sereal, perut kosong, padahal laper, trus makan keceptan, akhirnya muntah!! padahal makan roti doank!! trus mulai lagi duduk ampe jem 6 gara2 ada anak2 yang aneh2, kena omel mereka, bikin lama pulangnya. jem 5an ngumpul lagi bicarain buat besok, masih ada pr besok. grrrr. kelompoknya jg ga gt asik lagi. grgrgrgr
uda donk, selesai, oh beluuum.
ke cl nyebrang, bli 10 aqua gelas buat diminumin buat besok disuruh barang bekas bolehnya.
trus makan rice bowl, uda laper, tapi ga bs cepet2 ntar muntah lagi, trus bli karton dulu.
dupet ga maw anterin ke rumah, akhirnya bajaj, bajaj dari cl ke rumah 15rebu, namanya meres tuh. gw ga bakal maw, 7rebu aaja, dia tetep ga maw, mampus tuh sana ga dapet rejeki, maruk sih. tapi gw jalan dari cl ke rumah, cape bener, mana sempet sala jalan lagi wakkaka.
pulang2 daritadi da nahan boker, ga gt kebelet, tp tetep ajah, uda panas bener lagi.
akhirnya pulang nyantai juga. grrrr
eff eff eff!!
Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009
Orang-orang berkata kalo gw...
- ceking
Kalo dapet 1 milyar gw pasti...
- senang
Ko kejebak macet gw...
- ol, ngobrol, bengong
Kalo dapet 1 milyar gw pasti...
- senang
Ko kejebak macet gw...
- ol, ngobrol, bengong
Indonesia adalah negara yang...
- berbahasa indonesia
Mantan gw...
- mantan = manusia mutan.. hmm. gw maw ngendaliin waktu hahaha
Klo berada di depan kuburan M.J...
- ngeliatin dengan detil. poto2
Hidup ini penuh dengan...
- misteri
Tak ada tempat yang indah selain...
- sorga dan taman eden
Kemanapun gw pergi, pasti bawa...
- hp dompet
Kalo divonis kanker...
- kaget!
Pagi-pagi enaknya makan...
- yang sedikit ajah
Pekerjaan yang paling membosankan didunia adalah...
- tukang ngetes game. katanya sih parah bener.
Hal yang paling mengerikan adalah...
- melihat smua orang meninggal. kecuali kita
Bencana alam itu...
- keren
Waktu SMA gw dikenal sebagai...
- jojo
Saat yang paling tenang, saat...
- bengong liat pantai... terdengar bunyi ombak... dan berteduh
Paling males kalo ngelihat...
- orang yg gw benci
Kalo orang ciuman didepan gw...
- menikmati. asal jangan maho
Gw pengen banget...
- hidup gw berjalan sesuai dengan keinginan
Hape gw bagus, tapi alangkah bagusnya lagi klo gw bisa beli...
- internet dan komputer tercanggih
Wanita" cantik dan seksi di dpan gw sambil ketawa" keras", dalem pikiran gw...
- memank kalo uda ngumpul manusia uda ga taw malu. dan ngapain mereka? ngetawain gw ga ya?!
Pria dengan jeans robek", baju hitam gambar tengkorak, ngerokok, nongkrong depan circle-K, dalem pkiran gw...
Orang yang sok imut dan sok childish...
Lagi jalan, ada yang lewat pake motor bilang "f*ck you"...
- wakakak, pakyu juga!
Mama papa bilang kapan nikah?...
- dimasa depan ma, pa... pasti.. hahaha
Afgan dateng kerumah...
- suruh masuk.
Kalo tengah malem ditelepon pacar...
- gw lagi mimpi kalo gt
Kalo besok kiamat...
- ke sorga
silakan dikerjain buat siapapun yang liat ini harus kerjain!!!!! :)
Jumat, 31 Juli 2009
a Trip to Tanjung Putus


oke. uda lama ga ngeblog gara2 twitter karena yang gw tulis di blog uda tersurat d twitter.
kasian deh blog gw ditelantarkan, tp karena pas ke pulau tanjung putus itu ga dapet sinyal dipulau, dan males update twitter. jadi skarank gw punya sesuatu yang ga bisa d ceritain deh d twitter :)
awal2 pertama gw di telponin malem2. bilangnya sih ke puncak. sialan. taunya ke pantai. hahaha
untunk bawa bajunya baju biasa. ya uda di jemput d malem2 ke rumah candy.
besoknya pagi2 jalan deh ke tanjung merak ya kalo ga sala pelabuhannya? brapa jem tuh. trus naek kapal feri lagi, masuk ke lampung, abis dari lampung jalan lagi naek mobil, buset. abis itu ke pantai, naek lagi getek, gila geteknya kalo kena ombak bisa tebalik tuh, mana ke pulaunya 45 menit lagi. kapal sebelah katanya kemasukan aer. wakakkak. total2 jalan 8 jem. cape bener..
nah. tiba disana katanya sih pulaunya enakkk, trus resort gt. oh my god!!! tawnya ga ada apa2!! cmn pantai sama laut doank, grrrrrrrr. mana sepi banget lagi. uda d. disana maen pantai, maen kano sama mancink, sama pasir. gw jg cmn liatin temen gw mancing. nah, uda malem deh.
BENER-BENER GA NGAPA2IN!!! gila, ga ada sinyal, be 3 doank lagi. mana brisik lagi om2 tante2nya karoke gelo. akhirnya tidur aja de.
besok lgsg pulank juga. bosen gila. di jalan makan waktu 8 jem lagi. dr jem 10. trus plus plus ke tempat laen, jadi jem 10 pulank. gelo gelo. tapi tetep aja sih d bayarin. hahaha
ga maw lagi deh kayak gt lagi walo d bayarin. a boring trip :(
Rabu, 22 Juli 2009
The (Shipped) Gold Standard
Fall Out Boy
The (Shipped) Gold Standard
Sometimes I wanna quit this song and become an accountant now
But I'm no good at math and besides the dollar is down
Plant palm trees on Lake Michigan before it gets cold
I gotta feel the wind chill again before I get old
I wanna scream I love you from the top of my lungs
But I'm afraid that someone else will hear me
You can only blame your problems on my world for so long
Before it all becomes the same old song
As soon as we hit the hospital, I know we're gonna leave this town
And get new passports and get get get get get out now
All the yes men said no comment
My mouth got going wrong way and all the calls started to roll in
The time my dad caught me a horse shoe crab
And I asked him if throwing it back into the sea would bring our luck back
I wanna scream I love you from the top of my lungs
But I'm afraid that someone else will hear me
You can only blame your problems on my world for so long
Before it all becomes the same old song
As soon as we hit the hospital, I know we're gonna leave this town
And get new passports get out now
Tell that boy I leave you alone
Like a storm, I turn my love
That's in the profit of both in the business of show
I wanna scream I love you from the top of my lungs
But I'm afraid that someone else will hear me
Woah I wanna scream I love you from the top of my lungs
But I'm afraid that someone else will hear me
You can only blame your problems on my world for so long
Before it all becomes the same old song
As soon as we hit the hospital, I know we're gonna leave this town (I know we're gonna leave this town)
And get new passports and get get get get get out now
Get get get get get out now
The (Shipped) Gold Standard
Sometimes I wanna quit this song and become an accountant now
But I'm no good at math and besides the dollar is down
Plant palm trees on Lake Michigan before it gets cold
I gotta feel the wind chill again before I get old
I wanna scream I love you from the top of my lungs
But I'm afraid that someone else will hear me
You can only blame your problems on my world for so long
Before it all becomes the same old song
As soon as we hit the hospital, I know we're gonna leave this town
And get new passports and get get get get get out now
All the yes men said no comment
My mouth got going wrong way and all the calls started to roll in
The time my dad caught me a horse shoe crab
And I asked him if throwing it back into the sea would bring our luck back
I wanna scream I love you from the top of my lungs
But I'm afraid that someone else will hear me
You can only blame your problems on my world for so long
Before it all becomes the same old song
As soon as we hit the hospital, I know we're gonna leave this town
And get new passports get out now
Tell that boy I leave you alone
Like a storm, I turn my love
That's in the profit of both in the business of show
I wanna scream I love you from the top of my lungs
But I'm afraid that someone else will hear me
Woah I wanna scream I love you from the top of my lungs
But I'm afraid that someone else will hear me
You can only blame your problems on my world for so long
Before it all becomes the same old song
As soon as we hit the hospital, I know we're gonna leave this town (I know we're gonna leave this town)
And get new passports and get get get get get out now
Get get get get get out now
well, this is the one song from FOB's that I love
sorry, twitter makes me lazy to update my blog
sorry, twitter makes me lazy to update my blog
Jumat, 10 Juli 2009
Got a Friend from Omegle :D
Talk to strangers!
2816 users online
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: oi
You: siapa lo?
Stranger: hum... do you speak english ^^ ?
You: yes
You: asl pls?
You: ??
You: hellooooooo
You: where r u from?
Stranger: yeah wait a second !
Stranger: i'm from paris
You: WOW
Stranger: and you ?
You: indonesia
You: haha
You: boy or girl?
Stranger: gorl
Stranger: argh
Stranger: girl
You: hello there
You: how old are u?
Stranger: 18
Stranger: and you
You: 17
You: awch!
You: do u have any facebook?
Stranger: sorry i don't give =D
You: okay
You: haha
You: its fine
You: hey
You: how paris?
You: hows paris?
Stranger: haha, the most beautiful place in the world =)
You: i want to visit it!
You: is it an artful town?
Stranger: of course it is ! i guess you have heard about "le louvre" ?
You: hmm
You: nope
You: never heard of them
You: tell me!
Stranger: oh, it's the bigger museum of the world !
Stranger: and i'm working there
Stranger: hmm, i'm studying there
You: u make me jealous!
Stranger: "ecole du louvre"
Stranger: i study archeology and art history
Stranger: and what about you ?
You: hmm
You: in a few months i wiil go to uni
You: to design communication visual
Stranger: oh that's cool !
You: yeah
You: i like arts and photography
You: i bet u have a deviantart
You: do u?
Stranger: i don't ^^
You: oh no
You: i lost!
Stranger: =p
You: flickr?
Stranger: nope !
You: ohh
You: too bad
You: i want to see ur arts
Stranger: oh you know, i'm not a really good drawer or painter nor photograph
You: whew
Stranger: but i love art history
You: it makes u tingles?
You: haha
You: so
You: can i have ur name?
Stranger: célia
Stranger: and you ?
You: jonathan
You: wow
You: u have a pretty cool name
You:
Stranger: thank's !
You: in indonesia u will not find that kind of name
Stranger: oh, that's nor really common in france too ^^
You: its sure is cool
You: so
You: do u have any boyfriend?
Stranger: yes i have =)
Stranger: and you ?
You: no i dont
You: haha
You: although i have many girl friends
You: and im not a sissy
Stranger: ok =)
You: hmm
You: what r u doin now?
Stranger: i'm talking of course !
Stranger: and i will go back to my homeworks...
You: hahaha
Stranger: =(
You: hoo
You: im in holiday
You: haha
You: did u hear MJ's dead?
Stranger: i'm too ! but i failed my exams so i have to study...
Stranger: of course i had !
Stranger: that's terrible
Stranger: great artist
You: yeah
You: ever
You: i like him too
You: whew
You: study harder ok?
You: haha
You: do u play twitter?
Stranger: no, i've heard about it but i've never played with it
You: hahaha
You: its boring when theres no friends
You: hmm
You: tell me about ur hobbies
Stranger: hmm... i like reading, listening music, and of course i love museums =)
Stranger: and you ?
You: hmm
You: i like drawing, photography, b-boying
You: haha
Stranger: (http://www.louvre.fr/llv/commun/home.jsp?bmLocale=en look, it's the Louvre !)
You: and musics too!
You: gonna check it =)
Stranger: it's a beautiful place really...
You: oh my god
You: i havent seen a place like this before
Stranger: haha, i'm sure you'll love paris
Stranger: oh, have you heard about Versailles ?
You: hmm
You: i heard it before
You: but i dont know what it is
Stranger: it's the most beautiful castle in the world !
You: oh damn!
You: i want to see and capture it!
You: but guess what
You: its hard for me
Stranger: http://en.chateauversailles.fr/homepage
Stranger: and what about your country ?
You: nahh
You: not that cool
Stranger: i guess there must be some beautiful places...
You: yeah
You: its like
You: do u know bali?
Stranger: no, i never traveled...
You: hmm
You: heard it?
Stranger: yes !
You: yeah
You: thats indonesia's most visited
You: its a beautiful places
You: with great beaches and culture
You: well
You: here in jakarta u cant find sumthing amazing like paris
Stranger: oh... i don't think so, you know, i'm born in paris and i'd like to see something new...
Stranger: too many tourists =p
You: well
You: were the same
You: never travel to other country
You: stuck in here
You: haha
You: but paris sure is GREAT
Stranger: when i'll grow up, i'll be rich and i'll travel everywhere =D
You: oh god versailies and louvre is a huge place!
You: yeah i once dream like u too!
You: haha
Stranger: http://blog.photos-libres.fr/wp-cont...0a%20paris.jpg
Stranger: look, i'm living next to yhat place !
Stranger: that*
You: oh man
You: in here u will never find this kind of place
You: soo beautiful and tidy!
Stranger: it's quite cool yeah ^^
You: yeah
You: oh in here, its like 180 degrees
You: dirty and hot!
Stranger: oh i's cold today in paris ! maybe... 18 degrees maximum
You: anh its hot like hell in jakarta!
Stranger: but people in paris are not really cool
You: why is it?
Stranger: don't know why
Stranger: everyone is stressed, and everybody shout and is angry
Stranger: not cool
You: whew
Stranger: there're rude
You: its 180 degrees again!
You: in here
You: u will find nice people, relaxed people
You: also i got great friends =D
You: although many of those out there who is evil
Stranger: one thing funny about french people : they all believe there intelligent, but everybody is sooooo stupid !
Stranger: that's quite... ironic
You: oh god
You: haha
You: its a bit in here
You: haha
You: some of them think they are intelligent, but in fact its not
You: in here u will meet many kind of different people
Stranger: like everywhere =)
Stranger: but that's so funny !
Stranger: they're talking about art and philosophy... but they don't know anything about !
You: yaeh
You: what?
You: haha
You: in here people talking about gossips!
Stranger: yeah ! i've heard a girl saying "oooh i loove leonardo da vinci ! he's a genius !" and when i asked "hmm yeah, what do you know about him ?" no answer...
You: people in here alwayassss want to know others problems
Stranger: hahaha in paris too =D
You: whew
You: is it in a awful condition?
You: heavily talking about gossips?
Stranger: oh no, that's quite funny =p
You: well this is the funny part of my country
You: haha
Stranger: hey, congratulations, you're the first person i'm talking to on omegle !
You: really?
Stranger: yep
You: honestly, me too
You: never think that in omegle would be this long
You: haha
You: have a toast!
You: haha
Stranger: cheer !
You: say
You: can i guess?
You: are u blonde?
Stranger: i'm... hmm... i don't find my word >_<
Stranger: oh yeah
Stranger: brown
Stranger: nearly blond
Stranger: but brown ^^
You: hmm
You: is this ur full name Célia Vankeisbelck ;p
Stranger: not at all =D
You: oh man
You: i guess its wrong
You: haha
You: hmm, whats ur full name?
You: im sooo curious
Stranger: i supposed you're searching on facebook =p
Stranger: celia tily
You: YES
You: haha
Stranger: and you ?
You: i search it on
You: hmm
You: jonathan rakuen
You: but
You: its on facebook
You: rakuen is not my real name
Stranger: okay !
Stranger: find you !
You: haha!
Stranger: oh, nice back =D
You: ur sweet!
You: thanks
Stranger: thx ^^
You: but
You: im sooo skinny
You: can I add u?
Stranger: yes you can =)
You: u got a sweet smile =)
Stranger: nice !
You: nice to meet u =)
Stranger: nice to meet you too =)
You: never think of got some friend from omegle!
You: haha
Stranger: i told you, that the first time i'm using this website !
You: is it really the first time??
You: haha
Stranger: yes !
You: wow
You: ive been like
You: a pack of times
You: searching people
You: haha
You: and ur the sweetest!
You: haha
Stranger: thank you =D
You: ur welcome
You: i bet ur looking for my photos
You: haha
Stranger: yes i am =D
Stranger: you're smart !
You: haha
You: i just like to guessing
You: hmm how old r u again celia?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
her computer crashed, and its beyond imagine that I got a friend from omegle :D
Talk to strangers!
2816 users online
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: oi
You: siapa lo?
Stranger: hum... do you speak english ^^ ?
You: yes
You: asl pls?
You: ??
You: hellooooooo
You: where r u from?
Stranger: yeah wait a second !
Stranger: i'm from paris
You: WOW
Stranger: and you ?
You: indonesia
You: haha
You: boy or girl?
Stranger: gorl
Stranger: argh
Stranger: girl
You: hello there

You: how old are u?
Stranger: 18
Stranger: and you
You: 17
You: awch!
You: do u have any facebook?
Stranger: sorry i don't give =D
You: okay
You: haha
You: its fine
You: hey
You: how paris?
You: hows paris?
Stranger: haha, the most beautiful place in the world =)
You: i want to visit it!
You: is it an artful town?
Stranger: of course it is ! i guess you have heard about "le louvre" ?
You: hmm
You: nope
You: never heard of them
You: tell me!
Stranger: oh, it's the bigger museum of the world !
Stranger: and i'm working there
Stranger: hmm, i'm studying there
You: u make me jealous!
Stranger: "ecole du louvre"
Stranger: i study archeology and art history
Stranger: and what about you ?
You: hmm
You: in a few months i wiil go to uni
You: to design communication visual
Stranger: oh that's cool !
You: yeah
You: i like arts and photography
You: i bet u have a deviantart
You: do u?
Stranger: i don't ^^
You: oh no
You: i lost!
Stranger: =p
You: flickr?
Stranger: nope !
You: ohh
You: too bad
You: i want to see ur arts
Stranger: oh you know, i'm not a really good drawer or painter nor photograph
You: whew
Stranger: but i love art history
You: it makes u tingles?
You: haha
You: so
You: can i have ur name?
Stranger: célia
Stranger: and you ?
You: jonathan
You: wow
You: u have a pretty cool name

Stranger: thank's !
You: in indonesia u will not find that kind of name
Stranger: oh, that's nor really common in france too ^^
You: its sure is cool

You: so
You: do u have any boyfriend?
Stranger: yes i have =)
Stranger: and you ?
You: no i dont

You: haha
You: although i have many girl friends
You: and im not a sissy
Stranger: ok =)
You: hmm
You: what r u doin now?
Stranger: i'm talking of course !
Stranger: and i will go back to my homeworks...
You: hahaha
Stranger: =(
You: hoo
You: im in holiday
You: haha
You: did u hear MJ's dead?
Stranger: i'm too ! but i failed my exams so i have to study...
Stranger: of course i had !
Stranger: that's terrible
Stranger: great artist
You: yeah
You: ever
You: i like him too
You: whew
You: study harder ok?
You: haha
You: do u play twitter?
Stranger: no, i've heard about it but i've never played with it
You: hahaha
You: its boring when theres no friends
You: hmm
You: tell me about ur hobbies
Stranger: hmm... i like reading, listening music, and of course i love museums =)
Stranger: and you ?
You: hmm
You: i like drawing, photography, b-boying
You: haha
Stranger: (http://www.louvre.fr/llv/commun/home.jsp?bmLocale=en look, it's the Louvre !)
You: and musics too!
You: gonna check it =)
Stranger: it's a beautiful place really...
You: oh my god
You: i havent seen a place like this before
Stranger: haha, i'm sure you'll love paris
Stranger: oh, have you heard about Versailles ?
You: hmm
You: i heard it before
You: but i dont know what it is
Stranger: it's the most beautiful castle in the world !
You: oh damn!
You: i want to see and capture it!
You: but guess what
You: its hard for me
Stranger: http://en.chateauversailles.fr/homepage
Stranger: and what about your country ?
You: nahh
You: not that cool
Stranger: i guess there must be some beautiful places...
You: yeah
You: its like
You: do u know bali?
Stranger: no, i never traveled...
You: hmm
You: heard it?
Stranger: yes !
You: yeah
You: thats indonesia's most visited
You: its a beautiful places
You: with great beaches and culture
You: well
You: here in jakarta u cant find sumthing amazing like paris
Stranger: oh... i don't think so, you know, i'm born in paris and i'd like to see something new...
Stranger: too many tourists =p
You: well
You: were the same
You: never travel to other country
You: stuck in here
You: haha
You: but paris sure is GREAT
Stranger: when i'll grow up, i'll be rich and i'll travel everywhere =D
You: oh god versailies and louvre is a huge place!
You: yeah i once dream like u too!
You: haha
Stranger: http://blog.photos-libres.fr/wp-cont...0a%20paris.jpg
Stranger: look, i'm living next to yhat place !
Stranger: that*
You: oh man
You: in here u will never find this kind of place
You: soo beautiful and tidy!
Stranger: it's quite cool yeah ^^
You: yeah
You: oh in here, its like 180 degrees
You: dirty and hot!
Stranger: oh i's cold today in paris ! maybe... 18 degrees maximum
You: anh its hot like hell in jakarta!
Stranger: but people in paris are not really cool
You: why is it?
Stranger: don't know why
Stranger: everyone is stressed, and everybody shout and is angry
Stranger: not cool
You: whew
Stranger: there're rude
You: its 180 degrees again!
You: in here
You: u will find nice people, relaxed people
You: also i got great friends =D
You: although many of those out there who is evil
Stranger: one thing funny about french people : they all believe there intelligent, but everybody is sooooo stupid !
Stranger: that's quite... ironic
You: oh god
You: haha
You: its a bit in here
You: haha
You: some of them think they are intelligent, but in fact its not
You: in here u will meet many kind of different people
Stranger: like everywhere =)
Stranger: but that's so funny !
Stranger: they're talking about art and philosophy... but they don't know anything about !
You: yaeh
You: what?
You: haha
You: in here people talking about gossips!
Stranger: yeah ! i've heard a girl saying "oooh i loove leonardo da vinci ! he's a genius !" and when i asked "hmm yeah, what do you know about him ?" no answer...
You: people in here alwayassss want to know others problems
Stranger: hahaha in paris too =D
You: whew
You: is it in a awful condition?
You: heavily talking about gossips?
Stranger: oh no, that's quite funny =p
You: well this is the funny part of my country
You: haha
Stranger: hey, congratulations, you're the first person i'm talking to on omegle !
You: really?
Stranger: yep
You: honestly, me too
You: never think that in omegle would be this long
You: haha
You: have a toast!
You: haha
Stranger: cheer !
You: say
You: can i guess?
You: are u blonde?
Stranger: i'm... hmm... i don't find my word >_<
Stranger: oh yeah
Stranger: brown
Stranger: nearly blond
Stranger: but brown ^^
You: hmm
You: is this ur full name Célia Vankeisbelck ;p
Stranger: not at all =D
You: oh man
You: i guess its wrong
You: haha
You: hmm, whats ur full name?
You: im sooo curious
Stranger: i supposed you're searching on facebook =p
Stranger: celia tily
You: YES
You: haha
Stranger: and you ?
You: i search it on
You: hmm
You: jonathan rakuen
You: but
You: its on facebook
You: rakuen is not my real name
Stranger: okay !
Stranger: find you !
You: haha!
Stranger: oh, nice back =D
You: ur sweet!
You: thanks
Stranger: thx ^^
You: but
You: im sooo skinny
You: can I add u?
Stranger: yes you can =)
You: u got a sweet smile =)
Stranger: nice !
You: nice to meet u =)
Stranger: nice to meet you too =)
You: never think of got some friend from omegle!
You: haha
Stranger: i told you, that the first time i'm using this website !
You: is it really the first time??
You: haha
Stranger: yes !
You: wow
You: ive been like
You: a pack of times
You: searching people
You: haha
You: and ur the sweetest!
You: haha
Stranger: thank you =D
You: ur welcome

You: i bet ur looking for my photos
You: haha
Stranger: yes i am =D
Stranger: you're smart !
You: haha
You: i just like to guessing
You: hmm how old r u again celia?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
her computer crashed, and its beyond imagine that I got a friend from omegle :D
Rabu, 08 Juli 2009
Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009
a busy day and trip to puncak
cerita darimana ya? ahh ya, sekitar semingguan hari gw penuh banget.
mulai dari les nyetirm dari jem 12 sampe jem 1. trus pegi ke puri rencananya sih maw nonton transformer stgh 3, pas nyampe bujut bunengggggggg penuh banget!! hari senen itu ga nyangka penuh banget. inilah yang terjadi kalo semua orank berpikir hal yang sama, nonton weekdays aja bioskop lagi murah ini. ckckck. dapet setengah 4 deh nonton d urutan paling depan. yang setengah 3 tinggal tersisa 1 kursi paling pojok kanan dan palink depan. siapa yang maw coba?
transformer ajib dahh, megan foxnya jg. tp rumornya megan fox itu dulu cowo. bayangin aja megan fox punya burung ih najis da, ditambah katanya dia bisex. :hammer:
abis nonton gw langsunk naek taxi lagi, berenti d mcd gringarden trus jalan ampe relish, buat reunian smp, foto2 trus ketemu temen lama, uda pada bruba yah, hahaha. sayank, gw sebenernya pgn lbh lama lagi, tapi gw harus langsunk pulank buat siap2 ke puncaknya peter.
pas pulank uda buru2 da packing dan segala macem kamera jg ga lupa gw bawa, trus di jemput da gw naek motor ke rumah peter, trus ke puncaknya peter.
wooo vilanya besar jg ya. kamarnya banyak. sayank kurank angker wakakak.
disana sih asik, ga bosen, ada aja da. nonton, maen, brenank, makan, jalan2, ke bandung.
dapet temen baru lagi si amanda. hehe. mayan kan.
nah akhirnya baru pulank da kmaren malem, cape da.
dan gw lagi upload2in poto2 dari kmaren2 check it on here
hope u enjoy reading :)
mulai dari les nyetirm dari jem 12 sampe jem 1. trus pegi ke puri rencananya sih maw nonton transformer stgh 3, pas nyampe bujut bunengggggggg penuh banget!! hari senen itu ga nyangka penuh banget. inilah yang terjadi kalo semua orank berpikir hal yang sama, nonton weekdays aja bioskop lagi murah ini. ckckck. dapet setengah 4 deh nonton d urutan paling depan. yang setengah 3 tinggal tersisa 1 kursi paling pojok kanan dan palink depan. siapa yang maw coba?
transformer ajib dahh, megan foxnya jg. tp rumornya megan fox itu dulu cowo. bayangin aja megan fox punya burung ih najis da, ditambah katanya dia bisex. :hammer:
abis nonton gw langsunk naek taxi lagi, berenti d mcd gringarden trus jalan ampe relish, buat reunian smp, foto2 trus ketemu temen lama, uda pada bruba yah, hahaha. sayank, gw sebenernya pgn lbh lama lagi, tapi gw harus langsunk pulank buat siap2 ke puncaknya peter.
pas pulank uda buru2 da packing dan segala macem kamera jg ga lupa gw bawa, trus di jemput da gw naek motor ke rumah peter, trus ke puncaknya peter.
wooo vilanya besar jg ya. kamarnya banyak. sayank kurank angker wakakak.
disana sih asik, ga bosen, ada aja da. nonton, maen, brenank, makan, jalan2, ke bandung.
dapet temen baru lagi si amanda. hehe. mayan kan.
nah akhirnya baru pulank da kmaren malem, cape da.
dan gw lagi upload2in poto2 dari kmaren2 check it on here
hope u enjoy reading :)
Selasa, 23 Juni 2009
few new things
hello hello. uda jaarank yah gw ngepost sesuatu slaen hidup gw. haha
baru kmaren ini gw dibliin gitar sama bokap. woo mantab! bisa duet hahaha.
thx pop! :D
dan gw jg harus bisa gitar biar ga mengecewakan.
kmaren lalu juga abis nginep rmh cliff, tmn lama.
dan kmaren pula jg d ajakin ngeles nyetir.
walhasil hari ini lgsg cabut dan nyetir.
kmaren sih rencana mo dibagi setengah2 gt. taunya ga bisa.
ya jadi bayar full deh, duitnya kurank 200rebu tp ntar besok nambah lagi
hmm, apa lagi ya? ah ga taw. bye.
baru kmaren ini gw dibliin gitar sama bokap. woo mantab! bisa duet hahaha.
thx pop! :D
dan gw jg harus bisa gitar biar ga mengecewakan.
kmaren lalu juga abis nginep rmh cliff, tmn lama.
dan kmaren pula jg d ajakin ngeles nyetir.
walhasil hari ini lgsg cabut dan nyetir.
kmaren sih rencana mo dibagi setengah2 gt. taunya ga bisa.
ya jadi bayar full deh, duitnya kurank 200rebu tp ntar besok nambah lagi
hmm, apa lagi ya? ah ga taw. bye.
Selasa, 16 Juni 2009
15 June 2009
15 June 2009
I'm Graduated
I'm Graduated
tepatnya, hari itu jem 10 disuruh ambil surat, karena gw tlat sampe jem 11 baru datenk.
dan ga ad deg2an sama skali. ambil aja, trus buka, ada tulisan lulus. ooh sudah biasa tohh. hahaha
trus pulank deh, ga pentink da disuruh pake seragam.
jem 1 an gw ke suatu tempat cari kado buat seseorank. ga boleh sampe bocor nih! hahaha
dan telat jg ke sekolah, karena pulank dari cl setengah 4n.
langsunk da siap2 mandi trus pake jas yang dapet gratis itu tuh.. ehemm.. hoq sekali gw. haha
terima kasih Tuhan dan temen nyokap gw :D
dah siap, disuruh poto2 dolo. maklum blom perna pake jas. cmn pas kecil doank.
nyampe2. uda pada datenk smua, ya uda gw duduk jg dah. pada keren2 ma cakep2 dah, hahaha
selesai misa dan acara joget2. diumumin dah. diantara penghargaan2 si tek2 dapet 2. ga terima gw!!! selesai acara gw pgn poto2 ehh pada pulanknya cepet banget. grrrr
well, cause of graduation, we will hard to find each other. so its the new beginning and happy ending. I present a video from lfm's.
And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real cool
Stay at home talking on the telephone with me
We'd get so excited, we'd get so scared
Laughing at our selves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels
1 - As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can we ever find a job that won't interfere with a tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
Repeat 1
La, la, la, la�
Yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la�
We will still be friends forever
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
Repeat 1 (3x)
the lyrics are soooo true with our lifes now and after :)
dan ga ad deg2an sama skali. ambil aja, trus buka, ada tulisan lulus. ooh sudah biasa tohh. hahaha
trus pulank deh, ga pentink da disuruh pake seragam.
jem 1 an gw ke suatu tempat cari kado buat seseorank. ga boleh sampe bocor nih! hahaha
dan telat jg ke sekolah, karena pulank dari cl setengah 4n.
langsunk da siap2 mandi trus pake jas yang dapet gratis itu tuh.. ehemm.. hoq sekali gw. haha
terima kasih Tuhan dan temen nyokap gw :D
dah siap, disuruh poto2 dolo. maklum blom perna pake jas. cmn pas kecil doank.
nyampe2. uda pada datenk smua, ya uda gw duduk jg dah. pada keren2 ma cakep2 dah, hahaha
selesai misa dan acara joget2. diumumin dah. diantara penghargaan2 si tek2 dapet 2. ga terima gw!!! selesai acara gw pgn poto2 ehh pada pulanknya cepet banget. grrrr
well, cause of graduation, we will hard to find each other. so its the new beginning and happy ending. I present a video from lfm's.
And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real cool
Stay at home talking on the telephone with me
We'd get so excited, we'd get so scared
Laughing at our selves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels
1 - As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can we ever find a job that won't interfere with a tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
Repeat 1
La, la, la, la�
Yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la�
We will still be friends forever
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
Repeat 1 (3x)
the lyrics are soooo true with our lifes now and after :)
Senin, 15 Juni 2009
Jumat, 12 Juni 2009
Chance in Holiday
hello, welcome to the Place.
Wanna share a bit about my stories
udah sekitar seminggu lebih gw blajar gitar otodidak.
dan yah, susah blajar gitar.
gw mulai coba-coba sendiri. cari lagu gampank buat pemula.
dan ketemu deh fur elise. ok, untuk lancarin pinda tangan gitar tuh ternyata butuh waktu lama.
gw kira2 blajar 8 jem kali sehari itu. hahaha. alhasil lumayan lancar...
abis itu cari2 lagu lagi yang bisa dimaenin, pertama2 sih ga dapet, pada susah2.
tp ketemu jg, viva la vida. cmn maenin C - D - G - Em (bagi yang maw blajar :P)
ada jg lagu yang dikasih ama davina, magic trick - she & him. yang nyanyi ternyata yang maen yes man barenk jim carrey! si zooey deschanel. yah ini jg lagu gampank cmn pinda2 konci dasar.
dapet lagu jg lagi dari peje, edelweiss. jaman2 pramuka sd ni gw d ajarin lagunya hahaha.
udah kira2 cmn lagu2 ini aj yang slama ini gw bisa.
dan kata bokap gw, gw harus blajar surat toge (not balok) blajar melody dulu, yang susah dulu.
maen2 konci, iringin lagu sih gampank, jadi gw blajar da tuh surat toge, dan emank susah bacanya, tp pelan2 uda mulai keliatan d hasil blajar gw.
some of them say, blajar gitar dari gede tuh telat, tp ad yg blg jg, ga ad blajar yang namanya telat. i prefer option 2 to 1 :)
moga2 d liburan kali ini gw uda bisa maenin gitar walopun dikit, nyetir dan gemukin badan. haha
u should add some skills too this holiday :)
Wanna share a bit about my stories
udah sekitar seminggu lebih gw blajar gitar otodidak.
dan yah, susah blajar gitar.
gw mulai coba-coba sendiri. cari lagu gampank buat pemula.
dan ketemu deh fur elise. ok, untuk lancarin pinda tangan gitar tuh ternyata butuh waktu lama.
gw kira2 blajar 8 jem kali sehari itu. hahaha. alhasil lumayan lancar...
abis itu cari2 lagu lagi yang bisa dimaenin, pertama2 sih ga dapet, pada susah2.
tp ketemu jg, viva la vida. cmn maenin C - D - G - Em (bagi yang maw blajar :P)
ada jg lagu yang dikasih ama davina, magic trick - she & him. yang nyanyi ternyata yang maen yes man barenk jim carrey! si zooey deschanel. yah ini jg lagu gampank cmn pinda2 konci dasar.
dapet lagu jg lagi dari peje, edelweiss. jaman2 pramuka sd ni gw d ajarin lagunya hahaha.
udah kira2 cmn lagu2 ini aj yang slama ini gw bisa.
dan kata bokap gw, gw harus blajar surat toge (not balok) blajar melody dulu, yang susah dulu.
maen2 konci, iringin lagu sih gampank, jadi gw blajar da tuh surat toge, dan emank susah bacanya, tp pelan2 uda mulai keliatan d hasil blajar gw.
some of them say, blajar gitar dari gede tuh telat, tp ad yg blg jg, ga ad blajar yang namanya telat. i prefer option 2 to 1 :)
moga2 d liburan kali ini gw uda bisa maenin gitar walopun dikit, nyetir dan gemukin badan. haha
u should add some skills too this holiday :)
Minggu, 07 Juni 2009
During this Holiday
oh so much stories that i forget to tell.
but i get fun from this holiday,
ga kerasa kita uda liburan ampir sebulan
dan bentar lagi lulus2an. lulus ya 100%!!
hari ini diajak ria ke komunitas gerejanya gt, namanya flic sama si wowow be 2 naek motor d kemayoran jauh oi. yang kita kenal disana cmn si ria doank. hahha
kenal2an, makan bbq, ngobrol. walopun ga banyak sih.
tp gw merasa ga 'in' aja disana. becandaannya beda dll.
tp anak2nya sih bae2. hahaha
liburan gw diisi dengan jalan2, nonton, maen. yah gt2 doank.
anyway, gw jg mulai blajar gitar, uda sekitar semingguan.
dan yah bisa d blg rada lancar. cmn baru bisa fur elise yang pake tab.
viva la vida sama 1 lagu she & him, main base chord ma rhthmnya uda dapet dan uda dapet bunyinya. lagi cari lagu2 gampank lagi ni buat gitar, any idea?
i have twitter too, forget to tell, add me @jojojinggo
my sister, she really twitters me in real.
but i get fun from this holiday,
ga kerasa kita uda liburan ampir sebulan
dan bentar lagi lulus2an. lulus ya 100%!!
hari ini diajak ria ke komunitas gerejanya gt, namanya flic sama si wowow be 2 naek motor d kemayoran jauh oi. yang kita kenal disana cmn si ria doank. hahha
kenal2an, makan bbq, ngobrol. walopun ga banyak sih.
tp gw merasa ga 'in' aja disana. becandaannya beda dll.
tp anak2nya sih bae2. hahaha
liburan gw diisi dengan jalan2, nonton, maen. yah gt2 doank.
anyway, gw jg mulai blajar gitar, uda sekitar semingguan.
dan yah bisa d blg rada lancar. cmn baru bisa fur elise yang pake tab.
viva la vida sama 1 lagu she & him, main base chord ma rhthmnya uda dapet dan uda dapet bunyinya. lagi cari lagu2 gampank lagi ni buat gitar, any idea?
i have twitter too, forget to tell, add me @jojojinggo
my sister, she really twitters me in real.
Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009
for Those Who Have Blog(s)

also available in facebook
or contact me for a larger size.
through all things that we pass
we told our stories and our feelings
we write it to something called blog
and here we are bloggers in my school
Rabu, 27 Mei 2009
Full Day
woo hari ini full da.
pagi2. bangun buat ngurusin paspor.
ke toko bokap dolo anterin bokap.
trus urusin paspor, ampun rame bener. untunk ga lama2 banget.
banyak macem dan ribet ternyata.
abis dari sana ke toko bokap.
bokap gw keren jg. wooo. hahaha.
menyelesaikan deal dengan cepat.
gw disuruh bantu toko, kayak itungin bon sgala. aku ga ngerti pa ma.
jiwaku bukan disitu. hahaha
abis darisana ke cl. makan hokben.
nonton Angels and Demons. mantab gan! barenk nyokap am cici gw yang k 2
gila, banyak banget misteri2 vatikan. jd pengen taw da.
tp kok bole ya setting film disana kayak gt?
darisana langsunk dianter ke ta, ketemu dupet epen mek bima putu.
bima putu plg doloan, dan besok janjian ke dupan pagi2. haha
jalan2 ga jelas, akhirnya maw maen bl di hero GG, tp ditutup, jadinya lari ke acay
enak kan acay? hahaha
abis plg mandi beres2, chat, nonton da dedi kobusier.
gw punya kebiasaan baru,
midnight chat /w dupet, epen, mek, anjel, stella.
hahaha, uda beberapa hari chat trs. dan seru. haha
canda tawa ngatain sana ngatain sini gosip sana gosip sini. menggila malam2
ato ga maen game balap2an.
buat ranger, mawar pasti menank!
jangan bosen ya liat tulisan gw yang membosankan ini haha
pagi2. bangun buat ngurusin paspor.
ke toko bokap dolo anterin bokap.
trus urusin paspor, ampun rame bener. untunk ga lama2 banget.
banyak macem dan ribet ternyata.
abis dari sana ke toko bokap.
bokap gw keren jg. wooo. hahaha.
menyelesaikan deal dengan cepat.
gw disuruh bantu toko, kayak itungin bon sgala. aku ga ngerti pa ma.
jiwaku bukan disitu. hahaha
abis darisana ke cl. makan hokben.
nonton Angels and Demons. mantab gan! barenk nyokap am cici gw yang k 2
gila, banyak banget misteri2 vatikan. jd pengen taw da.
tp kok bole ya setting film disana kayak gt?
darisana langsunk dianter ke ta, ketemu dupet epen mek bima putu.
bima putu plg doloan, dan besok janjian ke dupan pagi2. haha
jalan2 ga jelas, akhirnya maw maen bl di hero GG, tp ditutup, jadinya lari ke acay
enak kan acay? hahaha
abis plg mandi beres2, chat, nonton da dedi kobusier.
gw punya kebiasaan baru,
midnight chat /w dupet, epen, mek, anjel, stella.
hahaha, uda beberapa hari chat trs. dan seru. haha
canda tawa ngatain sana ngatain sini gosip sana gosip sini. menggila malam2
ato ga maen game balap2an.
buat ranger, mawar pasti menank!
jangan bosen ya liat tulisan gw yang membosankan ini haha
Senin, 25 Mei 2009
a Bit About Holidays
beberapa hari kmaren hari ditraktir.
ditraktir nonton lah, ditraktir hokben, besoknya ditraktir sushi naga. sampe eneg, kelebihan satu sushi. sayank sekali. walopun gw pgn crita panjank tp ga taw napa agak susah gt.
abis d traktir sushi ma martin, waktunya kita obrak abrik rumahnya. wakakak
bokap martin denger lagi, gw ngomonk obrak abrik rumahnya pas trakhir ke rumahnya.
si hengky nanya " itu temenmu yang blg obrak abrik siapa? yang tinggi ya?"
ya si martin ma tgl jawab " iya tuh yang tinggi"
nama baik gw tercemar. padahal cmn becanda doank. bokap martin memank suka becanda haha
fyi, bokap martin mirip sama pak yono. hahahaha
hari ini pokoknya ama epen, toper ke puring.
gw naek angkot dolo 03, trus naek busway, naek metromini, nyampe de.
abis nyampe puring, mulai d, liat2.
epen dapet spatu 55ribu
toper dapet spatu jg 60 rebu
gw bli baju 3 satu 25k ga bisa lbh murah lagi grr. dan kaos kaki 7.5k.
gambar bart,miki, sama kartun emo ga taw apaan.
kaos kaki converse putih biasa.
yah not bad lah. bajunya bahannya jg ga kasar.
pas kita ke lantai 2. ada tukank jual kaset gitu, kaset2 jadul. wow! banyak banget yang jadul.
yang langka jg ada. oranknya jg ramah. hahaha. sempet ngobrol2 trus dia dengan bangga kasi liat poto dia ama ahmad dani sama mulan. katanya sih knal am ahmad dani. haha
abis bli smua barank, kita makan soto ayem di sebrank.
jadi urutan duduknya gw, epen, bule.
saking lapernya si bule makan, kagak liat dia epen minum minuman bule awkakak. geblek.
kita be2 ktawa2 si bule sih ga taw. hahaha.
dah abis itu naek angkot busway lagi, gw naek o3 lagi. masuk o3. cewe2 negri smua, bah, sama 2 anak skola mana ya? cina gt. buset panas bangett, sumpek2an keringetan. nguping anak negri ngobrol, nguping jakarta nih. haha
ditraktir nonton lah, ditraktir hokben, besoknya ditraktir sushi naga. sampe eneg, kelebihan satu sushi. sayank sekali. walopun gw pgn crita panjank tp ga taw napa agak susah gt.
abis d traktir sushi ma martin, waktunya kita obrak abrik rumahnya. wakakak
bokap martin denger lagi, gw ngomonk obrak abrik rumahnya pas trakhir ke rumahnya.
si hengky nanya " itu temenmu yang blg obrak abrik siapa? yang tinggi ya?"
ya si martin ma tgl jawab " iya tuh yang tinggi"
nama baik gw tercemar. padahal cmn becanda doank. bokap martin memank suka becanda haha
fyi, bokap martin mirip sama pak yono. hahahaha
hari ini pokoknya ama epen, toper ke puring.
gw naek angkot dolo 03, trus naek busway, naek metromini, nyampe de.
abis nyampe puring, mulai d, liat2.
epen dapet spatu 55ribu
toper dapet spatu jg 60 rebu
gw bli baju 3 satu 25k ga bisa lbh murah lagi grr. dan kaos kaki 7.5k.
gambar bart,miki, sama kartun emo ga taw apaan.
kaos kaki converse putih biasa.
yah not bad lah. bajunya bahannya jg ga kasar.
pas kita ke lantai 2. ada tukank jual kaset gitu, kaset2 jadul. wow! banyak banget yang jadul.
yang langka jg ada. oranknya jg ramah. hahaha. sempet ngobrol2 trus dia dengan bangga kasi liat poto dia ama ahmad dani sama mulan. katanya sih knal am ahmad dani. haha
abis bli smua barank, kita makan soto ayem di sebrank.
jadi urutan duduknya gw, epen, bule.
saking lapernya si bule makan, kagak liat dia epen minum minuman bule awkakak. geblek.
kita be2 ktawa2 si bule sih ga taw. hahaha.
dah abis itu naek angkot busway lagi, gw naek o3 lagi. masuk o3. cewe2 negri smua, bah, sama 2 anak skola mana ya? cina gt. buset panas bangett, sumpek2an keringetan. nguping anak negri ngobrol, nguping jakarta nih. haha
Rabu, 20 Mei 2009
mawar gangers
okey, untuk mengisi kebosanan kita (geng MAWAR) hahaha pegi ke karaoke.
nama mawar sbenernya putu yang buat hahaha.
and we got those fun. dan di tutup dengan lagu lovin u. woo great finishing. hahaha
and, u know my voice terribles. gw jelek banget kalo nyanyi!! haha
tapi inti dari karaoke adalah HAVE FUN!!
like one of my favorite band, fall out boy,
"I don't care what you think as long as it's about me"
so, I wont get embarrassed, and I got the fun.
so, for mawar gangers, u can find it here
we'll meet again mawar gangers
and for those friend who went to Bali and Djogdja.
share ur stories okay.
and, tomorrow dupet will born once again. haha
nama mawar sbenernya putu yang buat hahaha.
and we got those fun. dan di tutup dengan lagu lovin u. woo great finishing. hahaha
and, u know my voice terribles. gw jelek banget kalo nyanyi!! haha
tapi inti dari karaoke adalah HAVE FUN!!
like one of my favorite band, fall out boy,
"I don't care what you think as long as it's about me"
so, I wont get embarrassed, and I got the fun.
so, for mawar gangers, u can find it here
we'll meet again mawar gangers
and for those friend who went to Bali and Djogdja.
share ur stories okay.
and, tomorrow dupet will born once again. haha
Minggu, 17 Mei 2009
the Foolishness of Me
well liburan kali ini gw rada mati gaya d rumah. hahaha
gara2 komputer rusak dan ga taw maw ngapain. bosan
akhirnya gw nginep rumah cliff, temen lama. cihui.
cmn bisa nginep kl liburan doank. tp krg puas sih. blom ketemu yang laen
jadi dr kmaren malem, naek ojek ke rmh dia. trus maen2 biasa la.
yang pentink bertemu teman lama lagi. haha.
dan sperti yang dolo gw perna blg kamarnya itu kamar malas!!
bikin orank malas. hahaha
dr kmaren cmn d kamar trus ngendok, emank enak kamarnya buat nyantai.
sampe besokny sore baru jalan da ke ta.
nah d ta ketemu da si cun2. trus temenin nyari kado buat temen ultah. yang gw ga patungan emank kusus anak2 ktapank doank memank.
uda gt, mreka plg.
gw pegi da bli pija, dengan agak bodohnya gw pesen maw bawa plg tp gw bayar dolo.
trus pgi bli rotiboy, lanjut bli starbucks, katanya setengah harga, kesempatan nih.
trus gw dititipin minuman ap gt. tp kok ga ad d menunya? ya da gw blg aja da.
trus gw psen 3, smuanya 100rebu, anjrot. ternyata harus bawa BOTOL SENDIRI biar harga setengah. lgsg da bli 1 doank, gengsi donk masa ga jadi bli sama skali. ahaha.
trus gw lanjut ke pijahat nunggu lagi gara2 blom bayar.
emank gw jarank banget sih bli sndiri jadi kayak orank bloon. sial. sekali udah cukup dah.
kmaren jg plg dari mangdu naek bus, biasa aja sih. cmn takut salah arah jalannya aja. bisa nyasar kemana lagi kalo salah mana gw buta jalan.
gara2 komputer rusak dan ga taw maw ngapain. bosan
akhirnya gw nginep rumah cliff, temen lama. cihui.
cmn bisa nginep kl liburan doank. tp krg puas sih. blom ketemu yang laen
jadi dr kmaren malem, naek ojek ke rmh dia. trus maen2 biasa la.
yang pentink bertemu teman lama lagi. haha.
dan sperti yang dolo gw perna blg kamarnya itu kamar malas!!
bikin orank malas. hahaha
dr kmaren cmn d kamar trus ngendok, emank enak kamarnya buat nyantai.
sampe besokny sore baru jalan da ke ta.
nah d ta ketemu da si cun2. trus temenin nyari kado buat temen ultah. yang gw ga patungan emank kusus anak2 ktapank doank memank.
uda gt, mreka plg.
gw pegi da bli pija, dengan agak bodohnya gw pesen maw bawa plg tp gw bayar dolo.
trus pgi bli rotiboy, lanjut bli starbucks, katanya setengah harga, kesempatan nih.
trus gw dititipin minuman ap gt. tp kok ga ad d menunya? ya da gw blg aja da.
trus gw psen 3, smuanya 100rebu, anjrot. ternyata harus bawa BOTOL SENDIRI biar harga setengah. lgsg da bli 1 doank, gengsi donk masa ga jadi bli sama skali. ahaha.
trus gw lanjut ke pijahat nunggu lagi gara2 blom bayar.
emank gw jarank banget sih bli sndiri jadi kayak orank bloon. sial. sekali udah cukup dah.
kmaren jg plg dari mangdu naek bus, biasa aja sih. cmn takut salah arah jalannya aja. bisa nyasar kemana lagi kalo salah mana gw buta jalan.
Kamis, 14 Mei 2009
Minnie Riperton - Lovin' You
(m. riperton r. rudolph)
Lovin' you is easy cause you're beautiful
Makin' love with you is all I wanna do
Lovin' you is more than just a dream come true
And everything that I do is out of lovin' you
La la la la la la la... do do do do do
No one else can make me feel
The colors that you bring
Stay with me while we grow old
And we will live each day in springtime
Cause lovin' you has made my life so beautiful
And every day my life is filled with lovin' you
Lovin' you I see your soul come shinin' through
And every time that we oooooh
I'm more in love with you
La la la la la la la... do do do do do
gilaa ini lagu yang gw demen daridolo tp baru taw yg nyanyi aslinya siaapa.
Happy Tiring Day
well, hari ini adalah hari2 trakhir dmn masa sekolah berakhir.
kita smua sekelas pergi ke hutan mangrove. tp yang dmn ya? gw buta soal jalan
jarank banget ini jalan barenk sekelas hahaha.
well, I MUST and already brought the camera to shot all things.
nothing special in my photos.
I cant think about perfect composition anymore.
I was just thinked. shot shot shot to make it immortal moment to remember :D
upload will come when my 'kart rider' back on facebook. hahaha
hundreds of them.
kita smua sekelas pergi ke hutan mangrove. tp yang dmn ya? gw buta soal jalan
jarank banget ini jalan barenk sekelas hahaha.
well, I MUST and already brought the camera to shot all things.
nothing special in my photos.
I cant think about perfect composition anymore.
I was just thinked. shot shot shot to make it immortal moment to remember :D
upload will come when my 'kart rider' back on facebook. hahaha
hundreds of them.
Minggu, 10 Mei 2009
to Fill My Time

well, I dont know what to do, so I just drew this minnie.
to me classic disney's always a better and cute one.
what do u think?
also I just made Skype. u can add it : j_rakuen
kmaren d ajak hunting ke medit malem2, tp ga jadi, gara2 ga bisa ke rooftop, ngacir ke jembatan, poto2. syank ga dapet yang bagus, ga bawa tripod lagi. huhu
Rabu, 06 Mei 2009
Epen si Anak Hilank
sbenernya gw pgn post dari kmaren2. tp ga sempet truss.
komputer hang la, ol sbentar doank.
okay, pd hari minggu.
gw dan yg laen pergi jalan2, biasa, refreshing, jalan2.
epen blom datenk, dia ngeles dolo.
selesai ngeles dia katanya maw nyusul.
~maw naek bajaj~
TB=tkg bajaj
E:mas ke puri ya. tuju rebu..
TB: wah, murah banget bos, biasa 20rebu
E:~hah, mahal banget, td kata heri 7rebu doank~
yah, biasa 7rebu kali mas..
TB: yah, 15 rebu da..
E:ah mahal ah, kalo ga maw ya udah.
*epen jalan ke TB ke 2*
mas, ke puri ya tuju rebu..
TB yang tadi tiba2 nyeletuk, "masa ke puri 7rebu"
TB 2 : mana ada bos ke puri 7rebu
*epen lgsg sok gengsi*
E: ya uda kalo ga maw.
*epen cepet2 ngibrit*
akhirnya dia naek angkot 2x ke puri.
abis nyampe, epen telpon suruh ke gramed, kita smua ke gramed.
tapi mana epen? kita cari2 gag ada.
usut punya usut si epen di gramed PURI
dan kita smua di gramed TA.
konyol banget hahahaha bisa salah gt.
kita2 pada ngomel2 jauh banget da bedanya
karena kasian kita semua jemput epen ke puri hahahaha
mana perut gw lagi sakit lagi ktawa trus
demi kamu pen~~ hahaha
pas epen nyampe d puri gramed...
E : epen
H : heri
heri nelpon epen..
H: pen dmn lo?
E: jgn blaga bego d.. ya d gramed puri la
H: kita smua d gramed TA!!
kurank lbh seperti itulah. haha
dr putu :)
komputer hang la, ol sbentar doank.
okay, pd hari minggu.
gw dan yg laen pergi jalan2, biasa, refreshing, jalan2.
epen blom datenk, dia ngeles dolo.
selesai ngeles dia katanya maw nyusul.
~maw naek bajaj~
TB=tkg bajaj
E:mas ke puri ya. tuju rebu..
TB: wah, murah banget bos, biasa 20rebu
E:~hah, mahal banget, td kata heri 7rebu doank~
yah, biasa 7rebu kali mas..
TB: yah, 15 rebu da..
E:ah mahal ah, kalo ga maw ya udah.
*epen jalan ke TB ke 2*
mas, ke puri ya tuju rebu..
TB yang tadi tiba2 nyeletuk, "masa ke puri 7rebu"
TB 2 : mana ada bos ke puri 7rebu
*epen lgsg sok gengsi*
E: ya uda kalo ga maw.
*epen cepet2 ngibrit*
akhirnya dia naek angkot 2x ke puri.
abis nyampe, epen telpon suruh ke gramed, kita smua ke gramed.
tapi mana epen? kita cari2 gag ada.
usut punya usut si epen di gramed PURI
dan kita smua di gramed TA.
konyol banget hahahaha bisa salah gt.
kita2 pada ngomel2 jauh banget da bedanya
karena kasian kita semua jemput epen ke puri hahahaha
mana perut gw lagi sakit lagi ktawa trus
demi kamu pen~~ hahaha
pas epen nyampe d puri gramed...
E : epen
H : heri
heri nelpon epen..
H: pen dmn lo?
E: jgn blaga bego d.. ya d gramed puri la
H: kita smua d gramed TA!!
kurank lbh seperti itulah. haha
dr putu :)
Minggu, 03 Mei 2009
how absis are you?
How up-ciez are you?
coba deh hahahaha, bikinan edwin :D
gw dapetnya abdi siswa sejati!!
coba deh hahahaha, bikinan edwin :D
gw dapetnya abdi siswa sejati!!
Jumat, 01 Mei 2009
gw dapet ni website dari blog jepe, ada game pacman gt kan.
trus gw masuk deh coba ada apa.
well, the result is, i enjoy it!
banyak yang seru, model2 retro gt da
ada tv retro gitu lagi. hahaha
you can check by urself and have fun!
recommendation : headset and microphone
trus gw masuk deh coba ada apa.
well, the result is, i enjoy it!
banyak yang seru, model2 retro gt da
ada tv retro gitu lagi. hahaha
you can check by urself and have fun!
recommendation : headset and microphone
Rabu, 29 April 2009
what I fear
I fear...
[] black people
[x] the dark
[x] staying single forever
[] being a parent
[] being myself in front of others
[] open spaces
[] closed spaces
[] heights
[] dogs
[] birds
[] fish
[] spiders
[] flowers or other plants
total so far: 2
[] being touched
[x] fire
[x] deep water
[] snakes
[] silk
[] the ocean
[x] failure
[] success
[] thunder/lightning
[] frogs/toads
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[] rats
[] snow
total so far: 5
[] rain
[] wind
[] crossing hanging bridges
[x] death
[] heaven
[x] being robbed/mugged
[x] falling
[] clowns
[] large crowds of people
[] men
[] women
[] having great responsibilities
[] doctors
[x] tornadoes
total so far: 9
[x] hurricanes
[x] incurable diseases
[x] sharks
[] Friday the 13th
[x] ghosts
[x] poverty
[] Halloween
[] school
[] trains
[] odd numbers
[] even numbers
[] being alone
[x] becoming blind
[x] becoming deaf
[] growing up, old
total so far: 16
[x] creepy noises in the night
[] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[] needles
[] blood
total = 17
If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling.
If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid.
If you get 11-20, you are normal.✔
If you get 10 or less, you’re fearless.
People who don’t have any are full of crap.
saya biasa aja tuh
[] black people
[x] the dark
[x] staying single forever
[] being a parent
[] being myself in front of others
[] open spaces
[] closed spaces
[] heights
[] dogs
[] birds
[] fish
[] spiders
[] flowers or other plants
total so far: 2
[] being touched
[x] fire
[x] deep water
[] snakes
[] silk
[] the ocean
[x] failure
[] success
[] thunder/lightning
[] frogs/toads
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[] rats
[] snow
total so far: 5
[] rain
[] wind
[] crossing hanging bridges
[x] death
[] heaven
[x] being robbed/mugged
[x] falling
[] clowns
[] large crowds of people
[] men
[] women
[] having great responsibilities
[] doctors
[x] tornadoes
total so far: 9
[x] hurricanes
[x] incurable diseases
[x] sharks
[] Friday the 13th
[x] ghosts
[x] poverty
[] Halloween
[] school
[] trains
[] odd numbers
[] even numbers
[] being alone
[x] becoming blind
[x] becoming deaf
[] growing up, old
total so far: 16
[x] creepy noises in the night
[] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[] needles
[] blood
total = 17
If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling.
If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid.
If you get 11-20, you are normal.✔
If you get 10 or less, you’re fearless.
People who don’t have any are full of crap.
saya biasa aja tuh
Senin, 27 April 2009
My dogs
Minggu, 26 April 2009
Personality Disorder Test
Disorder | Rating |
Paranoid Disorder: | Low |
Schizoid Disorder: | Low |
Schizotypal Disorder: | Moderate |
Antisocial Disorder: | Low |
Borderline Disorder: | Low |
Histrionic Disorder: | Moderate |
Narcissistic Disorder: | Moderate |
Avoidant Disorder: | Low |
Dependent Disorder: | Low |
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: | Low |
-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! -- -- Personality Disorders -- |
well, i fill this quiz with my honest, and what im thinking.
some points dont seem to reflect me.
any comments for me?
Kamis, 23 April 2009
New Header
Selasa, 21 April 2009
Minggu, 19 April 2009
Pray for Graduation
Father, we know our time will come
that we will meet with decision of our life
help us not to meet with bad things
give bless to everyone that meet with decision tomorrow
make our future will be the best
thanks for everything until now
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
a short pray from me,
for everyone that has a challenge like me,
to our God.
that we will meet with decision of our life
help us not to meet with bad things
give bless to everyone that meet with decision tomorrow
make our future will be the best
thanks for everything until now
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
a short pray from me,
for everyone that has a challenge like me,
to our God.
Selasa, 14 April 2009
Does everybody change?
i guess its yes.
from their looks
their mind
their habit
their friends
their families
their likes
everything make people change
the point is, does it a good change or bad?
i saw so many people change.
when i was a kid, i have a best friend.
now, i barely talk with him.
and i just think something make him change,
not as that old times
i think, why did he change?
or, why something was changed?
and maybe, he thinks the same way too.
and i have a question for myself too,
am i changed?
does my friends talk about me, why im changed?
am i change into a good or bad?
why i dont play with my friends that i used to play with?
what make me change? new friends? wealth? minds? situation?
we grown up, from kids into teenagers, and i bet that when we at college
it will be not the same again like high school.
something must be change
we surely change, no matter what.
its just not the same as the old days,
but we have to keep on walking.
get out from our comfort zone if we can.
be ourself,
dont forget old friends and stuff.
thats what i think until now, maybe there will be something more.
i guess its yes.
from their looks
their mind
their habit
their friends
their families
their likes
everything make people change
the point is, does it a good change or bad?
i saw so many people change.
when i was a kid, i have a best friend.
now, i barely talk with him.
and i just think something make him change,
not as that old times
i think, why did he change?
or, why something was changed?
and maybe, he thinks the same way too.
and i have a question for myself too,
am i changed?
does my friends talk about me, why im changed?
am i change into a good or bad?
why i dont play with my friends that i used to play with?
what make me change? new friends? wealth? minds? situation?
we grown up, from kids into teenagers, and i bet that when we at college
it will be not the same again like high school.
something must be change
we surely change, no matter what.
its just not the same as the old days,
but we have to keep on walking.
get out from our comfort zone if we can.
be ourself,
dont forget old friends and stuff.
thats what i think until now, maybe there will be something more.
Kamis, 09 April 2009
This Day and Knowing
hari ini, gw nyontrenk, dapet 3 kertas, nyokap gw suruh nyontrenk 2x yang kertas merah, bikin gw bingunk! gw ikutin aj, gw pilih anda hakim sama, vivi apa tuh. buat yang 2 lg gw lupa. haha
jadi ga sah d :( trus celup tinta, biar dapet starbucks. hahaaha
abis itu gw, dupet, epen, mek. ke ta, rencananya sih pgn nonton knowing. tp karena tiket super mahal, maka ke pluit junction d. sbelom ke pj sempet ngantri starbucks, panjank bener, trus ad orank vidioin gt lagi, haha. gw kira bakal masuk kaskus :D
ok, uda d pluit, kita lgsg ngantri buat dapet tiket, jem 3/4/5 an gt. sore da, pas liat, knowing jem 5 FULL, fast n furious 2 studio jem 5 juga FULL, liat knowing jem 7, dapetnya kursi palink depan. hahaha. ambil jg d.
abis itu makan restoran ap gt, sediain makanan tailan ato apalah gt.
cmn ayem panggang, nasi, tahu, sama pitan sdikit. mayan d. tp standar.
maen bis itu ke tempat maennya, set, maenan tonjok samsak laku bener, pasti ad yg maen, sampe lama nunggunya.
selse maen, nonton d. pertama seru, dan takut gw. karena kayak ramalan2 gt. tp setelah tau kiamatnya gmn, uda ga serem gw. ga ssesuai alkitab sih, kiamatnya.
bayangin d kl kayak alkitab, lbh kejam.
overall bagus, seru, dan menghibur. tp kurank nonjok endingnya. not as a real prophecy ;)
jadi ga sah d :( trus celup tinta, biar dapet starbucks. hahaaha
abis itu gw, dupet, epen, mek. ke ta, rencananya sih pgn nonton knowing. tp karena tiket super mahal, maka ke pluit junction d. sbelom ke pj sempet ngantri starbucks, panjank bener, trus ad orank vidioin gt lagi, haha. gw kira bakal masuk kaskus :D
ok, uda d pluit, kita lgsg ngantri buat dapet tiket, jem 3/4/5 an gt. sore da, pas liat, knowing jem 5 FULL, fast n furious 2 studio jem 5 juga FULL, liat knowing jem 7, dapetnya kursi palink depan. hahaha. ambil jg d.
abis itu makan restoran ap gt, sediain makanan tailan ato apalah gt.
cmn ayem panggang, nasi, tahu, sama pitan sdikit. mayan d. tp standar.
maen bis itu ke tempat maennya, set, maenan tonjok samsak laku bener, pasti ad yg maen, sampe lama nunggunya.
selse maen, nonton d. pertama seru, dan takut gw. karena kayak ramalan2 gt. tp setelah tau kiamatnya gmn, uda ga serem gw. ga ssesuai alkitab sih, kiamatnya.
bayangin d kl kayak alkitab, lbh kejam.
overall bagus, seru, dan menghibur. tp kurank nonjok endingnya. not as a real prophecy ;)
Rabu, 08 April 2009
Today and Shinjuku Incident
asik dah, hari ini rabu, kamis jumat libur
artinya, jalan2 bebas! hahahaha
hari ini plg sekola, d rmh bentar
sore pegi ke puri, barenk : flik, jabas, dupet, epen, cya, marko (ORANK YG MIRIP BANGET AM CYA, DARI MUKA SAMPE TINGKAHNYA, KAYAK NGKO ADE. HAHAHA), sama william(temen marko, baru knalan)
nonton : Shinjuku Incident
comment : bagussssss
moralnya : jangan lupa sama sesuatu yang uda kita dapet
yang maen jekicen. ok, ini bkn felm jekicen seperti kebanyakan, yang brantem dan lucu2.
felmnya lebih dalam dan gelap, walopun ad lucunya, tanpa disengaja.
harus nonton sendiri, bagus deh!! walopun ad bagian ga puasnya. haha
gw kalo nonton film, kayaknya masih kebawa2 gt, mkir2 lagi felmnya. mendalami. haha
dan gw puas nonton film ini.
ayo, jackie chan buat felm lagi, yg bagus lagi ya. haha
i like jackiechan
trakhir, pas kluar bioskop rame banget da, hari ini cmn 15rebu sih. hahaha. pd nonton da.
dan gw ketemu banyak temen. hahaha
gw blm dapet kartu pemilu ni, padahal bisa dapet minum gratis d starbucks. haha
dan besok nyontreng. 2 minggu lagi uan.
artinya, jalan2 bebas! hahahaha
hari ini plg sekola, d rmh bentar
sore pegi ke puri, barenk : flik, jabas, dupet, epen, cya, marko (ORANK YG MIRIP BANGET AM CYA, DARI MUKA SAMPE TINGKAHNYA, KAYAK NGKO ADE. HAHAHA), sama william(temen marko, baru knalan)
nonton : Shinjuku Incident
comment : bagussssss
moralnya : jangan lupa sama sesuatu yang uda kita dapet
yang maen jekicen. ok, ini bkn felm jekicen seperti kebanyakan, yang brantem dan lucu2.
felmnya lebih dalam dan gelap, walopun ad lucunya, tanpa disengaja.
harus nonton sendiri, bagus deh!! walopun ad bagian ga puasnya. haha
gw kalo nonton film, kayaknya masih kebawa2 gt, mkir2 lagi felmnya. mendalami. haha
dan gw puas nonton film ini.
ayo, jackie chan buat felm lagi, yg bagus lagi ya. haha
i like jackiechan
trakhir, pas kluar bioskop rame banget da, hari ini cmn 15rebu sih. hahaha. pd nonton da.
dan gw ketemu banyak temen. hahaha
gw blm dapet kartu pemilu ni, padahal bisa dapet minum gratis d starbucks. haha
dan besok nyontreng. 2 minggu lagi uan.
Minggu, 05 April 2009
Kena tag si weggie :D
1. jojo
2. jaujau
3. autis [bangkai, hahah]
1. 21 nov
2. 1 januari, haha
3. 25 desember :D
1. maen
2. kerjain pr dari weggie.
3. fb
1. positive thinking
2. with friends that I like
3. maen. haha
1. jonathan"gogon"ferro
2. kevin winarta
3. 3 o'o gw. [jadi 5]
1. motor
2. surprises
3. tiket ke luar negeri, sama teman2. haha
1. gambar
2. maen
3. foto :D
1. jepank
2. hawaii
3. new zealand
1. milk
2. any king of branded drinks
3. any kind of delicious juices
1. karya tulis yg terbengkalai
2. kotak pensil kosonk
3. kertas2 segunung
1. ijo daon
2. ungu indigo
3. item
1. rumah cliff, haha
2. skolah
3. mall2
1. God (terselubung ini)
2. Keluarga
3. teman2
1. yang ada blog
2. Yang kena tag gw
3. yang tidak malas.
1. Keluarga
2. Temen2 sehati dan senasib. haha
3. tuhan, masi bisa idup ampe skarnak
1. di tag
2. ga ad kerjaan
3. lg kagak maen. haha
1. jojo
2. jaujau
3. autis [bangkai, hahah]
1. 21 nov
2. 1 januari, haha
3. 25 desember :D
1. maen
2. kerjain pr dari weggie.
3. fb
1. positive thinking
2. with friends that I like
3. maen. haha
1. jonathan"gogon"ferro
2. kevin winarta
3. 3 o'o gw. [jadi 5]
1. motor
2. surprises
3. tiket ke luar negeri, sama teman2. haha
1. gambar
2. maen
3. foto :D
1. jepank
2. hawaii
3. new zealand
1. milk
2. any king of branded drinks
3. any kind of delicious juices
1. karya tulis yg terbengkalai
2. kotak pensil kosonk
3. kertas2 segunung
1. ijo daon
2. ungu indigo
3. item
1. rumah cliff, haha
2. skolah
3. mall2
1. God (terselubung ini)
2. Keluarga
3. teman2
1. yang ada blog
2. Yang kena tag gw
3. yang tidak malas.
1. Keluarga
2. Temen2 sehati dan senasib. haha
3. tuhan, masi bisa idup ampe skarnak
1. di tag
2. ga ad kerjaan
3. lg kagak maen. haha
Kamis, 02 April 2009
Selasa, 31 Maret 2009
Kisah Kasih di Sekolah by Jonathan Ferro
Kisah Kasih di Sekolah - Joe Almubazir
Malu Aku Malu
Pada Semut Merah
Yang Berbaris Di Dinding
Menatapku Curiga
Seakan Penuh Tanya
Sedang Apa Disini
Menanti Pacar Jawabku
Resah Dan Gelisah
Menunggu Di Sini
Di Sudut Sekolah
Tempat Yang Kau Janjikan
Ingin Jumpa Denghanku
Walau Mencuri Waktu
Berdusta Pada Guru
Sungguh Aneh Tapi Nyata
Takkan Terlupa
Kisah Kasih Di Sekolah
Dengan Si Dia
Tiada Masa Paling Indah
Masa-masa Di Sekolah
Tiada Kisah Paling Indah
Kisah Kasih Di Sekolah
Masa-masa Paling Indah
Kisah Kasih Di Sekolah
yang nyanyi temen bae gw, uda jarank ketemu.
sudah banget ketemunya, dipanggil gogon biasanya. haha
oii, gw pengen ketemu lo lagi gon!. yihaa
nama asli : Jonathan Ferro.
sudah banget ketemunya, dipanggil gogon biasanya. haha
oii, gw pengen ketemu lo lagi gon!. yihaa
nama asli : Jonathan Ferro.
Senin, 30 Maret 2009
the Fire Itch & Bad Hair Month
omg! this is one of the great shit day!
first, in a dawn, I can't sleep. why? cause my body were full of itches.
and it is a long night for me, I have to be patience not to scratch the itches.
but I scratched it. The more I scratch the itcher it become, and the itches become wider and wider,
so I have to hold on until morning rise. painful.
then, I told to mom I got itches, and she will clean the bed.
so, when I prepared to school, a little forget about time and cause of itches too, I arrived late.
when I walked into class, and, oh shit. **** guarded my class, what a painful in the ass.
I got scolded, and I can't enter class whenever I arrives late again.
and, I have to cut my hair. damn!
ok, school time is fine, but one more shit things come, the hair cut.
I forgot to tell him that I don't want to decrease my thickness of hair.
so, the barber cut my hair, the very different hair-style that I want. great!
I have to wait a long time to get what hair that I want.
first, in a dawn, I can't sleep. why? cause my body were full of itches.
and it is a long night for me, I have to be patience not to scratch the itches.
but I scratched it. The more I scratch the itcher it become, and the itches become wider and wider,
so I have to hold on until morning rise. painful.
then, I told to mom I got itches, and she will clean the bed.
so, when I prepared to school, a little forget about time and cause of itches too, I arrived late.
when I walked into class, and, oh shit. **** guarded my class, what a painful in the ass.
I got scolded, and I can't enter class whenever I arrives late again.
and, I have to cut my hair. damn!
ok, school time is fine, but one more shit things come, the hair cut.
I forgot to tell him that I don't want to decrease my thickness of hair.
so, the barber cut my hair, the very different hair-style that I want. great!
I have to wait a long time to get what hair that I want.
Jumat, 27 Maret 2009
How do the Word "Exist" Come?
I was (spontanously) thinking (when try-outs), about existence.
could an Atheist answer this?
Where do people come?
and if the answer is just like the evolution of monkeys,
or something like that.
so, where do monkeys come?
from the evolution of something again?
like micro-organisms?
so, how come micro-organisms come?
do you want to say that it's just exist?
I can't take that everything just exist.
there's something just made us, and everything.
is it, in a sudden, there's a space, a life, a stone, an air, and etc?
how can God, first exist too, its so confusing. hahaha.
but I believed in God.
could an Atheist answer this?
Where do people come?
and if the answer is just like the evolution of monkeys,
or something like that.
so, where do monkeys come?
from the evolution of something again?
like micro-organisms?
so, how come micro-organisms come?
do you want to say that it's just exist?
I can't take that everything just exist.
there's something just made us, and everything.
is it, in a sudden, there's a space, a life, a stone, an air, and etc?
how can God, first exist too, its so confusing. hahaha.
but I believed in God.
P. S. : don't think too hard, you won't find the answer.
just forget it, it's just a mind game.
just forget it, it's just a mind game.
Senin, 23 Maret 2009
PR dari Michelle
♥ Buku yang Kamu Suka?
• 7 Habits
♥ Film yang kamu Suka?
• buanyakk, yg plg suka apa y? bingunk
♥ HP yang kamu Suka?
• iPhone
♥ Laptop yang Kamu Suka?
• yang palink mahal. hahaha
♥ Kamu Suka Plurk atau Twitter?
• tak tahu
♥ kamu suka alpenliebe ato chox alpenliebe?
• alpenliebe
♥ nilai tertinggi kamu di SD SMP SMA?
• sd, dapet 100 peta buta dunia!! hahaha. tp itu jg kayaknya d bantu guru d.
smp : lupa sekali
sma : lupa juga. haha
♥nilai terendah di SD SMP SMA?
• SD : 0!! sd kelas 1 mat. hahaha
• SMP: ga pernah 0
• SMA: ga pernah 0 juga
♥ orang yang aku tag pr ini...
sapa yang maw buat? haha
tagged from michelle :D
• 7 Habits
♥ Film yang kamu Suka?
• buanyakk, yg plg suka apa y? bingunk
♥ HP yang kamu Suka?
• iPhone
♥ Laptop yang Kamu Suka?
• yang palink mahal. hahaha
♥ Kamu Suka Plurk atau Twitter?
• tak tahu
♥ kamu suka alpenliebe ato chox alpenliebe?
• alpenliebe
♥ nilai tertinggi kamu di SD SMP SMA?
• sd, dapet 100 peta buta dunia!! hahaha. tp itu jg kayaknya d bantu guru d.
smp : lupa sekali
sma : lupa juga. haha
♥nilai terendah di SD SMP SMA?
• SD : 0!! sd kelas 1 mat. hahaha
• SMP: ga pernah 0
• SMA: ga pernah 0 juga
♥ orang yang aku tag pr ini...
sapa yang maw buat? haha
tagged from michelle :D
Sabtu, 21 Maret 2009
In the Strange of Me
Im in unstable condition
much thinking, much exhausted
something makes my soul corrupted
something makes me confused
laziness in me
but something makes me happy.
why I feels someone bored to be friend with me..?
Always I who call them first
when they need me, they search for me.
then disappear in the blink of an eye.
or maybe just my feelings?
prefer the sick truth to beauty lies.
in the strange of me.
much thinking, much exhausted
something makes my soul corrupted
something makes me confused
laziness in me
but something makes me happy.
why I feels someone bored to be friend with me..?
Always I who call them first
when they need me, they search for me.
then disappear in the blink of an eye.
or maybe just my feelings?
prefer the sick truth to beauty lies.
in the strange of me.
Senin, 16 Maret 2009
Windows Vista™ Home Premium
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8600 @ 2.40GHz
4.00 GB RAM
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 (vga 256mb)
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8600 @ 2.40GHz
4.00 GB RAM
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 (vga 256mb)
alasan :
1. cepet rusak
2. berat
3. mendink maen d luar (padahal lagi d pake d luar)
4. gw maen terus
5. merusak mouse
katanya sih laptop buat tugas sgala macem, tp katanya ga bs.
malah pake kompi depan. jadi buat apa bli laptop?
ga bisa apa2.
I was so pissed!!
malah nci gw uda maen beberapa kali maen d laptop.
shit piece of crap!
alasan :
1. cepet rusak
2. berat
3. mendink maen d luar (padahal lagi d pake d luar)
4. gw maen terus
5. merusak mouse
katanya sih laptop buat tugas sgala macem, tp katanya ga bs.
malah pake kompi depan. jadi buat apa bli laptop?
ga bisa apa2.
I was so pissed!!
malah nci gw uda maen beberapa kali maen d laptop.
shit piece of crap!
Kamis, 12 Maret 2009
the Personality Quiz
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.maybe yes, maybe no.
for the job, I think I like something that doesn't monotonous.
for the job, I think I like something that doesn't monotonous.
Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009
Tribute to Mark and Weekend
Friday, 7 march 2009. (I count friday as a weekend too)
this day, i was at school.
and have the last conversation class with Mark.
I am so enjoyed it.
he gave us some advice about univ. life, and I listened every single words that Mark told us.
Im so enjoyed it, and Mark, you are great :D
im respect to him.
he tries to make our class fun, but sometimes it was boring.
and sometimes, he doesnt know when classes dont caught his meaning and jokes, and tease him quietly. ;P
a bit poor from me, but he keeps admire our class as a good class.
and to me he is a good teacher, and i enjoyed it.
now mark is gone, and andrew will replace him next week.
im gonna miss him. haha
i got extra class until the last exam, and i dont like it so much.
many of my friends escape from this day extra class, haha.
cause our life start from the end of friday school :D
and i have a supper with felik, jabas, willyam, rendi raharja. and watched "Push" in Sency.
(plus joshua)
I think Push is not so good. why ?
1. it dont have many actions.
2. the main characters have a lot of help from his friends
3. some luck to the protagonist
4. stupid enemies
5. the "mom" who always be mentioned, but never appeared.
and i got some fun from this friday :D
this day, i was at school.
and have the last conversation class with Mark.
I am so enjoyed it.
he gave us some advice about univ. life, and I listened every single words that Mark told us.
Im so enjoyed it, and Mark, you are great :D
im respect to him.
he tries to make our class fun, but sometimes it was boring.
and sometimes, he doesnt know when classes dont caught his meaning and jokes, and tease him quietly. ;P
a bit poor from me, but he keeps admire our class as a good class.
and to me he is a good teacher, and i enjoyed it.
now mark is gone, and andrew will replace him next week.
im gonna miss him. haha
i got extra class until the last exam, and i dont like it so much.
many of my friends escape from this day extra class, haha.
cause our life start from the end of friday school :D
and i have a supper with felik, jabas, willyam, rendi raharja. and watched "Push" in Sency.
(plus joshua)
I think Push is not so good. why ?
1. it dont have many actions.
2. the main characters have a lot of help from his friends
3. some luck to the protagonist
4. stupid enemies
5. the "mom" who always be mentioned, but never appeared.
and i got some fun from this friday :D
about me,
daily life.,
happy things. hope,
Jumat, 06 Maret 2009
Love/Trust? trust
Brains/Beauty? err.. beaurains, half it.
Relationship/Sex? relationship
Family/Friends? family
iPod/Cell Phone? cell
Computer/TV? computer
Food/Drink? drink
Coke/Pepsi? coke
Chocolate/Vanilla? vanilla
[] Am Pretty[ ] Am Smart
[x] Am Nice
[x] Am a Bad Influence
[ ] Am a Good Influence
[ ] Am More Attractive Than Most of My Friends
[] Am Popular
[ ] Am Spoiled
[ ] Have a Good Fashion Sense
[x] Am Not Good Enough..
[ ] Have Better Things to do Than This Quiz
[ ] Am Considered ‘Goodlooking’ by the Opposite Sex
[x] Curse too Much
[ ] Have too Much Time on my Hands
[] Am Overweight..
[x] Am too Skinny..
Q: Someone you know drops $10, but keeps walking. What would you do?A: gonna give it back, i felt guilty
Q: What’s your dream job?
A: a relaxing, great, job in art / design / photography
Q:What’s your favorite drink?
A: mineral water, juices
Q: What’s your favorite movie& why?
A: spirited away, truly fantasy imaginating movie
Q: Who’s your BEST friend? (can only pick one!)
A: wowow
Q: If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
A: not a so-many-people-use-that-names
Q: Who, of all the people you know, do you wish that you were better friends with?
A: myself, to become a better friend
Q: What’s the one thing that you wish you could change about yourself?
A: everything that bad in me
Q: What’s your favorite commercial?
A: a creative one
Q: What color do you wish your eyes were?
A: blue and green. hihi
Q: What’s your favorite book?
A: 7 habits of highly effective teens
Q: If you had a son, what would you name him?
A: Ava, but wowow told me that there's a nasi campur called ava :(
so, idk
Q: If you had a daughter, what would you name her?
A: idk
Q: Who’s your favorite relative, and why?
A: my old friends, great!
Q: What’s your favorite holiday&why?
A: weekends, so relaxing
Q: Can you name 5 different Pokemons?
A: bulbasaur, venusaur, ivysaur, charmender, charizard
Q: Do you know anyone that CAN name 5 different Pokemons?
A: wowow
Q: What’s one thing that you do that your parents wouldnt approve of?
A: nothin, my parents give trust to me & I dont want to dissapointed my parents
(i edited this A for this Q, I missed the meaning before)
I skip the last quizzes, i dont know much
Senin, 02 Maret 2009
25 things about me
- playing computer
- reading something / watching something (dvds for e.g and comics sometimes mags or books)
- whatever I do with buddies
- ngaskus, browsing, fb, blogging, dll
- searching for some meals and drinks
- LULUS dan TAMAT SMA bulan Juni ini (sama)
- jago dalam bidank dkv :P
- jago ngebreak, hope so.
- seeking the truths
- become a goodman
- ANJ***!
- TAI!
- BANG***!
- families
- buddies n friends
- computer and stuff
- camera
- presents n photos
- my 17th b'day party
- perpisahan in bali
- LIVE IN Wonogiri
- when with close buddies
- when i was kid. haha
Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009
i need....................
Here are the ground rules: Go to Google and type in your first name and "needs" (e.g in my case: "Michelle needs"). Hit search and then list the top 10 results here. Feel free to add parenthetical commentary.
- Jonathan needs a one or two parent family that will set guidelines and be consistent in sticking to those standards ... (dont really need it)
- Jonathan needs to draw up a business plan to demonstrate to potential backers ... (need it maybe sometime)
- Jonathan needs A Haircut! (yes!)
- Jonathan needs to stay on top of the latest technologies (i want it, but there's no money, whatever)
- Jonathan needs A Haircut! Grandma!!!! We don't have a car right now!! :). . (2 times haircut is a dont)
- Jonathan needs professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Jonathan Needs discover ... (im glad if i can)
- Jonathan needs professional background on ZoomInfo, the largest index of people in business in the world. (i cant take 2 full-time jobs at the same time)
- Jonathan needs to learn the definition of a "clean lead". (i want to know, but lazy to search)
- Jonathan needs milk by Pauls baby. (im not baby!)
- Jonathan needs your vote today. (vote for me!)
Where do you live: Jakarta, Indonesia
Favorite art: Vintage art also comical vintage art
Pets: 4 pomeranian dogs
Favorite neighborhood restaurant: not any
Favorite cocktail: dont know
Who inspires you: lara jade, family, friends, creator of 7 habits,
Necessary extravagance: fresh mind
Favorite place in the world: home sweet home
Designer: anything good
Jeans: anything good
Underwear: rider(wkwkkw), gtman, boxers
Sneakers: Converse
Watch: i wear it when im in elementary
T-shirt: anything good
Day bag: westpak from junior high
Evening bag: converse(sometimes)
Favorite city to shop: Jakarta
Lipstick: naturely
Mascara: naturely
Shampoo: neril
Moisturizer: naturely
Perfume: naturely
Toothpaste: pepsodent
Soap: my mom pour the soap into a bottle, so i dont know what soap it is
Nail-polish color: naturely
Who cuts your hair: myself, mom (last haircut)
Who colors your hair: naturely
1. Where is your gadget? windows pc, ericsson k508i, toshiba satellite laptop (new :D)
2. Your significant other? i dont really know what this mean is
3. Your hair? messy
4. Your mother? super
5. Your father? super
6. Your favorite thing? internet
7. Your dream last night? strange
8. Your favorite drink? juice, bubble tea, softdrink
9. Your dream/goal? wealthy
10. The room you're in? livingroom
11. Your church? not really
12. Your fear? ghosts
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? jakarta
14. Where were you last night? bedroom
15. What you're not? good voice to sing
16. Muffins? chocolates
17. One of your wish list items? mosquito-instant-killer (ad ga ya?)
18. Where you grew up? Jakarta
19. The last thing you did? texting
20. What are you wearing? unarm shirt
21. Your TV? advante
22. Your pets? pomeranian
23. Your computer? windows
24. Your life? i thank for it
25. Your mood? stable n unstable
26. Missing someone? yeah
27. Your car? blue
28. Something you're not wearing? rocket launcher
29. Favorite store? many
30. Your summer? hawaii
31. Like(love) someone? no chance
32. Your favorite color? black, white, fresh green, indigo
33. Last time you laughed? dupet's car
34. Last time you cried? not remember
35. Who will re post this? anyone
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